Rich, thank for the price update. While I have new Quadrafire Insert, I have and continue to look with interest at the PE line. And, their web site, the one I've found, doesn't give any price information I do see the Fireview runs over $3K with shipping (estimate $200) and taxes, 7% in NJ. So it is a pricey item, but may be worth it. As you can see from my "signature" I have a combined wood/coal stove in my basement. It is a utilitarian only device, a protective enclosure to keep small hands off the hot stove, which is a simple brick lined sheet metal construct, stainless I think. I think I paid unde $400 for it about 15 years ago. It hasn't seen any coal in four of five years, but it did a good job on Pennsylvanian Anthracite when I was in to using it for general heat assist for an air-to-air heat pump. I then installed a geothermal heat pump and have cut way back on wood and no coal at all. There's a lot to like with coal, including buying on certified scales, no getting shorted by the firewood guy who delivers a short cord and bills for a full one.