Walked into the local stove shop today and they had re-arraigned the whole place. Walked to the back and there was a strange new insert sitting in the display area. I'll be damned. A PE Summit insert. After what seems like decades hearing about them on this site, and trying to find one three years ago to replace my old insert, there it was. The Nirvana of inserts right in front of me. The king of wood heaters. When I was looking nobody in the mid-Atlantic had ever heard of this marvelous God's answer to wood heat.
Well, I took a look and can't see what all the shouting is about. Glad I saved a grand plus. Thick steel, no question, but that firebox configuration makes me claustrophobic compared to the 30-NC. And an ashlip angled down, what is that about? Ashlips are supposed to catch stuff. Yep, big solid stainless baffle up top. Too close up top, no wonder you guys with Summits love not being able to hurt it smacking it with splits. You have to to load the stove.
And I hope those door hinges are replaceable because I have never seen more wimpy wood stove door hinges in my life. And that door glass is just downright small.
I would still like to see a Summit Classic but for now I don't know what all the shouting has been about.

If the 30 doesn't melt down this year I think I will just stick with it.