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I am up to 3.5 cords In northern NH. The early November cold stretch made an early dent in the supply. I may have to raid some of next years Ash. Days are getting longer so I can run my minisplit more often to stretch out this year wood.
I'm probably around 7 cords of mixed hardwood (mostly red oak) so far. Very rough guess as my wood supply isn't in consistent shape so instead of proper stacks, I just have piles on 15' diameter pads from ex-grain bins.
approx. 2500' old farm house with abysmal insulation in lower Michigan and a Central Boiler Classic Edge Titanium 350. 80k btu Forced air furnace and dual 40 gal hot water heaters running off the boiler. This last cold spell got down to -22F and that was about the limit for my furnace, which had the air handler running for about 14 hours straight during the worst of the cold, just barely able to keep the temperatures in the house above 71F.
This will be my second year burning with this boiler and the 3rd burning wood at this house (upgraded from an old firebox burner in the basement) and I've had a hell of a time keeping ahead of the curve drying wood. I should have a proper supply next year as I have a stack on a pad that's probably 20x40' that will have 2 summers of drying on it by next season.
I get my wood from a veneer mill's off-cuts which while handy (they're already split) means the wood spends the entire summer under sprinklers (to reduce cracking), so the wood that I drag home is significantly wetter than fresh cut, which makes drying a challenge. I have a feeling this spring is going to see me building some solar kilns to help accelerate my drying capability.
I'm at 5 cord right now will probably end up at 7. Running an eko 60 with 1000 gallons of storage keeping 2800 square feet between 70-72 24/7 in South West lower Michigan. It's a little more than I would like but way better than the 15+ I use to burn in the owb.
I’ve burned another 2 cords since I created this thread. Really been mowing through the wood with persistent negative temps at night and single digit highs. 43” of snow in the last month too; I’ll remember this winter.