Any more I operate in 1-tank episodes: fill saw, run 1 tank through it cutting, then split/load or split/stack whatever is done. Takes a manageable amount of time while providing a nice variety of activity. If I'm still feeling good and have time, refill the saw and repeat. My objective is always move lost of small weight, so I'm splitting on-site once bucking is complete. I'm pretty fit and 33, but I understand the limits of sustainable and repeated work--hence the saw/split/lift strategy. Since I have a splitter, I build up a splitter pile if the Fiskars isn't moving through quickly or easily enough. I used to wail on a round 5-10 times before moving on. Now it's 3-5, then move to the next and save it for the splitter.This is a 10x4 setup. Took me about 8 hours total from felling the dead trees, cut them, transport, Pile all the logs. Once i think i have enough. I move to splitting. I split a few and start stacking, rinse and repeat until i fill the 10x4.
I am not sure how to make it quicker.
I have an electric log splitter, that is not fast enough, but overall works great.
Ideally it would be great if I can cut, split and stack a cord in 2 days (16 hours).
Trying to figure out how to do this better.
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