I guess I don't see it that way. I view it as it's your loss. Let me put it this way, if I have to run the stove constantly on high output regardless if it's the King or any other large stove who's the winner? I'd say the king because it has a higher efficiency rating than the other comparable stoves. Maybe not in emmissions but HHV and LHV efficiency is typically higher. Beyond that, when it comes to shoulder season BK is the clear winner. Just because I can't run the stove half throttle to meet my heating demands through most of the season doesn't mean I'm missing out. At some point in the season I will be able to take advantage of that low burn, just not right now.Well then, burn away! Like I've said before, I just can't imagine running one on high all the time intentionally, one is completely missing out on the benefit of owning a BK. To each his own