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New Member
Jan 5, 2025
I have a Cucinas Lacunza (FIMAR) cast iron and brass beauty, now 40 yrs old. Last night It gave off a toxic " something" in the air near It which despite open windows made my eyes water profusely. I had tò let the Fire die out tò be able tò enter the kitchen. There was a tiny bit of smoke in the ceiling area ( nearly 4 metres High) but nothing i hadn't already seen over the years.
My questione Is : can the cast iron degenerat with long term use ? The top plate today ( cold) is a slightly rusty colour which i have not seen until now. Thank you everyone in anticipation....
This setup should be inspected by a professional. It could be that the flue is getting clogged and needs cleaning.
[] Help Needed
I don't think It Is that simple, but yes i Will get and Expert in. This Is what the Cook top looked like this morning. It has never changed colour like this before. Thankyou.
The cast iron rust is cosmetic. At most, it’s a symptom. Cast iron pots and pans can have lifetimes many times longer than our own under daily heating and cooling cycles. The real worry is the fumes that you are mentioning.
I wonder whether it was overheating when this happened .
I wonder whether it was overheating when this happened .
Something was very differenti tò my previous 40 years of winter use. And It wasn't smoke. Extremely toxic Is how i would descrive It. The fireplate has never been coloured like that before. Anyway, i Will have It looked at . ...not that they sell anything like this any more in this district. . Thankyou
Yes but for that to happen, the circumstances (e.g. stove temp) had to be different. Things (stoves) don't spontaneously change behavior if the circumstances are the same.