Minister of Fire
1. Obadiahs told me I will need to enclose the boiler with a framed and drywalled room/ closet to meet code for the simple fact of keeping combustibles away from the radiant heat of the boiler itself. ( in the plans )
I don't think it has anything to do with keeping radiant heat off combustibles. Maintaining specd clearance distances would do that. It is about eliminating the possibility of gas fumes meeting your fire. Some places, with having a boiler under a garage roof, you would need to partition the boiler off completely with its own outside entrance, as mentioned. Other places, just making sure the combustion chamber door is high enough off the floor will do. Insurance requirements & codes vary from one insurance company or jurisdiction to others.
so do you think one pump will do the trick? for 5 zones including domestic hot water? I have seen some systems with a return pump etc..???
Well - one pump pumping at 10gpm with a 20° dT thru the emitters can move about 100,000 btu/hr. That's a lot of heat. It's also where a heat loss calc & some flow/head loss figuring on your piping/zones comes into play. I have one Alpha, with 4 baseboard zones & one DHW zone. I have it set on its lowest sped constant pressure setting. Heats with no problems. Not sure of the return pump you speak of - that might be a primary/secondary setup?
quick question.: which one do I want....
What you 'want' will depend on if you want to plug it into an outlet, or wire it to an aquastat. I have the middle one - if I wanted to plug it in, I would just wire a cord to it. Otherwise, it's the same pump.
I don't think it has anything to do with keeping radiant heat off combustibles. Maintaining specd clearance distances would do that. It is about eliminating the possibility of gas fumes meeting your fire. Some places, with having a boiler under a garage roof, you would need to partition the boiler off completely with its own outside entrance, as mentioned. Other places, just making sure the combustion chamber door is high enough off the floor will do. Insurance requirements & codes vary from one insurance company or jurisdiction to others.
so do you think one pump will do the trick? for 5 zones including domestic hot water? I have seen some systems with a return pump etc..???
Well - one pump pumping at 10gpm with a 20° dT thru the emitters can move about 100,000 btu/hr. That's a lot of heat. It's also where a heat loss calc & some flow/head loss figuring on your piping/zones comes into play. I have one Alpha, with 4 baseboard zones & one DHW zone. I have it set on its lowest sped constant pressure setting. Heats with no problems. Not sure of the return pump you speak of - that might be a primary/secondary setup?
quick question.: which one do I want....
What you 'want' will depend on if you want to plug it into an outlet, or wire it to an aquastat. I have the middle one - if I wanted to plug it in, I would just wire a cord to it. Otherwise, it's the same pump.