Niko Horster, niko at, Tue Jan 29 09:39:42 CST 2008, said:
Bob Ramlow from Wisconsin has built these sand storage systems for over 10 years and has written a book about them (well among other things) with New Society "solar water heating". I have a copy in my office if you would like to peruse it. The sand needs to be wet in my opinion and if you look at capacity factors, because your storage would have to be insanely huge to have seasonal storage capacity otherwise.
The houses he has built with this system are all, as far as I know, direct usage, solar active goes in, but heat dissipated passively through the slab, which sits over a 4-5 foot sand bed with pex at the bottom and insulated with 4 -6" of blue board around all sides except the top. There you have a vapor barrier and I would advise for a 4000 psi concrete mix with a good parking garage type water sealer in it. So when the plastic breaks down you still have concrete that is watertight and vapor impermeable. We have used some of the newer Radon sealers and they do not smell and cut the vapor transmissivity measured with a calcium chloride test in half.
Still, depending on your heatloss the storage is quite impressive with sand. Thermal conductivity of sand dry is .37 BTU/h/ft/F, wet sand at 10% AND 13% resp are 0.8 and 1.13 so even a little moisture goes a long way to improve conductivity. (Kusuda et al, ASTM pub 04-9220000-10 google book search available) other give numbers of water 0.346 / wet sand 0.95 / dry sand 0.157
The other important factor is specific heat capacity: (btu/lb F)
Water is 1, Sand is 0.19
There are two primary materials that through which heat is transported in an aquifer, the mineral matrix and the entrained groundwater. Density of the mineral matrix and water, porosity, and heat capacity combine to govern the temperature response of an aquifer to heat flow. The specific heat Cp (as BTU/lb0F), dry density (rho, as lbs/ft3) and percent porosity (phi) of some soils and minerals are as follows:
Specific Heat - Cp
Water 1
Clay 0.27
Sand 0.19
Granite 0.20
Density (rho) lbs/ft3
Water 62.4
Clay 65
Sand 110
Granite 165
% Porosity (phi)
Clay 75
Sand 35
Granite 1
The thermal energy capacity per unit volume per degree of temperature change is termed the aquifer thermal capacity (q). With the above information it is possible to calculate the thermal capacity (q) of an aquifer:
q = (Cp x rho)rock(1 - phi) + (Cp x rho)water x phi
Assuming a sandy aquifer with a specific heat of 0.19 for the mineral matrix, a density of 110 lbs/ft3, and a porosity of 0.35 the specific thermal capacity per cubic foot of aquifer is:
* q = (0.19 x 110)rock x (1 - 0.35) + (1.0 x 62.4)water x 0.35
* q = 13.59rock + 21.84water = 35.4 BTU per cubic foot per 1 degree Fahrenheit
Heat flow through a mass (qx) is calculated by the equation:
qx = Ak(dT/dX)
* A is the cross sectional area normal to the heat flow,
* k is the thermal conductivity,
* T is temperature in Fahrenheit,
* X is the distance over which the heat must flow.
The solution to the above function requires substitution of an equation describing the system geometry for the dX term followed by integration. That is beyond the scope of this column.
Thermal diffusivity (in units of square feet per hour) is equal to the thermal conductivity (k) divided by the thermal capacity (q) of the aquifer,
it measures the rate at which temperature changes occur in the soil mass. Higher values of thermal diffusivity result in more rapid changes in
temperature and deeper penetration of heat into the soil.
You probably have looked into al that and as Keith said earlier is need to be pretty big storage to do the trick. Ramlow has told me he uses 4 - 5 feet under the basement slab and then just lets is bleed into the house. Not sure if you would want to do that with a slab being directly under your prime living space. The more heat exchangers you have the more inefficient the system becomes (delta T and higher storage temps are necessary then)
As always it points to a modestly sized and very well insulated structure to be heated. Nothing new there either. I still like the idea you floated a while ago of installing the solar within a green house to get higher efficiency in our cold northern latitudes.