It looks like I've been away for a while - the truth is that I just did not notice that I needed to click 'next' at the bottom of the page - so I did not see any of the postings past the first page. I also no longer received notices in my email that someone posted a reply - I'm wondering why.
Thank you everyone - fabulous information. Of course, thanks a lot to Dan with whom I've been emailing offline - and because I knew he was posting his notes on the forum, but could not find them, I looked more attentively. You can tell that I don't participate in too many forums

My mind is set now. I'll be getting the Clydesdale with the screen option. To make up for the esthetics, I'll be getting the blue-black enamel finish, which is a little less industrial than the painted black, more resistant to bumps, and easier to maintain/clean. I'm still thinking whether to mount it flush or the regular way. BTW - the blowers now come standard on both the Morgan and the Clydesdale. I'll keep you all posted on how I like it, and I make sure I'll post a picture, as well.
The thing I'm dealing with now is finding the right tile to match for the hearth extension and the surround. The requirement for the hearth is 18" from the glass - so if I mount it how everyone recommends, and get the maximum efficiency out of it, I need a 23" hearth. Mine is only 16", so I need an extension either way. So, while I'm looking at tiles, I'll still be thinking about which option to use for mounting.
For the record, I'd like to mention that the Clydesdale is unique in the fact that it requires the least clearance to the mantle: only 24" above the stove, which makes the total distance from the top of the hearth to the bottom of the mantle only 46.5". This is all without any kind of horribly-looking heat shield. I told Hearthstone that they should do a better job at marketing that, it is definitely a differentiator.
The peculiarity is that the Morgan, its smaller brother, needs significantly higher clearance (34"), which does not make too much sense. I had looked at Jotul, too, and there the bigger the insert, the higher the distance to the mantle is required - and all required clearances about the same as the Morgan. Only the Clydesdale was lower - so I was quite worried that it may have been a typo in the manual. My mantle is only about 50" from the floor, so it could've been a problem.
But I double checked these specs with Hearthstone, and they said that this is indeed the case. Any thoughts on that? of the stove makes it better insulating, so I’m still a bit nervous. The Clydesdale is not just a scale-up of the Morgan, but quite different in design (less deep, but wider and taller), so in principle it could have different specs. I called the company to double check - and they stand by their numbers, they said that all those numbers came from independent outside testing. However, I was not able to find out an explanation about what in the design makes that possible. Any thoughts on this?