Harman Accentra 52i – problems in paradise

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My insert sucks air from outside via the old fireplace cleanout door. Cheepo OAK. No problems at all.

Mine is kind of the same way. I didn't connect a pipe but there is an ash door leading to a chamber in the basement so I am sure some air is drawn in that way. I may be in the minority but I want some fresh air drawn in from outside. If it means I have to burn a dozen more bags over the winter I have no issue with that. My house is not tight and I prefer it that way.
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With regards to OAK, flexes, and other accessories. I think if you have a valid reason, then fine. I just got fatigued that every time I had someone look at my stove, they automatically think I need some accessories even though my stove is operating with good efficiency. So I lost patient with this line of claims -I guess it's kind of selfish.

If your stove isn't operating properly, then you need to figure out what it will take to get the heat you need which maybe a flex, OAK or whatever. I just don't see the need in adding these accessories if everything is already running as prescribed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it is my modus operandi.
I didn't ask specifically (saw your post after they left) but they run whole bunch of tests once done. What is this test and why is it important?
They probably ran this test since they were so mindful about the whole repair/visit. I can't imagine they ran a gamut of tests and not this basic one. What this does is set your draft, in Harman pellets stoves draft is controlled by the combustion blower speed by way of varying blower speed with a little screw in the control board. Turning the screw alters the base voltage to the combustion blower.. It has to be set up with meters, or should be anyway. Since it sounds like they had the Harman scan tool set up on the stove it makes sense to me they would have checked draft voltage.
Well, it's been over a week now post the repairs, and we seem to be running strong (knock on wood). I actuly don't recognize the stove operation as I now realize I never saw it run properly for all this time!!! Happy to have it working, but not so happy I had to go thru all this to find out about a recall the hard way...I think Harman should make sure to contact all new stove owners and verify they are all fixed, proactively and regardless of their dealer status.
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