Webbie, thanks for having the curiosity and bravery for starting a topic
that easily can become heated ( sorry ) and partisan.
Count me in as a former Big Gas supporter. I've seen the persuasion
pieces, "Gasland" and various YouTube® propaganda reports and I have
to agree that there are too many unknowns and known subterfuge by the
industry that it's necessary to put a hold on further tapping. Of course,
knowing that favorable public opinion is now waning, the industry is putting
out all the stops to tap as far and frequently as possible before banning shuts
it out. That alone is enough to give in to the obvious question, "Why is Big Gas
pushing so hard?" The industry knows it's subverted laws and transparency
since it has much to hide. Detractors are pigeon-holed as "ignorant", "liberal",
"anti-capitalist" types who are relegating all non-conforming countries into
obsolescent panderers for foreign oil, or worse, idealist greenies routing
for sustainable energy technologies that have No Chance in Hell to work.
Vermont has just banned fracking. I can read it now: "Hippy liberals in backwards
Vermont just dissed the best friend it had: us, Big Gas." No, we're just asking for
simple answers instead of stock replies as, "It's safe! Trust us!" Right. OK.
Now, PROVE IT. Let's see the chemical "formula" lists. It took a SUBPOENA
to get Halliburton to release that list. Is that being transparent? An actor of
Good Faith? We've seen this pattern before. The whole thing smells.
As was stated earlier, they're taking the cash now and kicking the
can down the road. Sick 25 years from now? Your prob, Bud.
I find it amazing that as Americans we can spew endless exhaust in time wasting
debate regarding budgets, abortions, and other non-issues that, with a little common
sense, honesty and courage, we'd be able to traverse these issues, and out the
persons who obviously have no value for OUR property and livelihood. We live
in an era of extraction: Extraction of precious resources, extraction of our money.
These people have to earn our trust first before they can be allowed to do business
with us. We don't need strong arm tactics from bought legislatures, EPA boards,
banks. We need leadership; statesmen who believe in the system who will use
the system in the spirit it was designed to keep the public informed on exactly
what is going on and who will be affected by corporate business. The minute
information goes underground, the entire process, whatever it is, is suspect.
Again, if you doubt this pollution is happening, follow the money. If you think that
regulation alone will fix it, Think Again. I've seen the data: one state has one reg
agent for every 1500+ wells. Who are these compliance agents, Santa Claus?
For now, think I'll stick to good ol' reliable WOOD.