Bigg_Redd said:
Jeff S said:
I know a few all ready Fiskars users that will be pleased with new longer handled version.
The only people that gripe about the short handle are the people who haven't actually used one.
I'd have to asume it is you who has used neither or certainly not both. As soon as I aquired the long handled version, the short one went in the truck tool box for "emergencies". Next month wehn I get the 36", the 28" will go in the truck, and the 22" in the shed, where it may live forever, other than an ocasional camping trip.
I like splitting rounds on the ground. I can just do that with the 28, but not effeicently. With the 36 it will be a joy. The 36 has two advantages, faster head speed for the same swing speed, and when splitting on the ground, more momentum.