Let me try this again. Had no intentions to confuse
@bholler !
We have been hearing that dry wood is better, right?
And with the systems (appliances) that "we" have used for decades, this has proven true, right?
And manufacturers recommend the lower MC in use of their appliances in order to reach the optimum efficiency, right?
And those manufacturers all had to undergo epa testing to get their certifications and ratings, right?
And said testing is under controlled conditions with controlled MC fuels, controlled draft, etc. ...right?
Well, now here we are with a couple of manufacturers that say they have designed appliances that will efficiently burn firewood with higher MC than what we are used to and burn it safely, cleanly and efficiently.
Don't you think that those same manufacturers would get an even higher efficiency rating from the epa if they used the lower MC firewood? It would only be to their advantage to require fuel with MC of ....14% (?) instead of 20%-30%.
There must be a reason why they want the higher MC fuels........