Burning Hunk
These stoves run very low flue temps with very little waste heat and very little volume of exhaust running up the stack. Chimneys depend on a pressure differential to pump exhaust and that pressure differential is provided by elevation when you first start the fire and more by temperature after the fire is going. A bend is a restriction and BK wants the first restriction a certain distance from the stove to allow velocity to build in the flue and for the exhaust to have momentum to blow through that first bend.
I have no bends in my 14' chimney, all vertical, all steel internal and I still get smoke spillage when I open the door.
Is this initial vertical rise in the flue common to all Cat stoves? Most of the Non-Cat stoves I have looked at have a rear or top exhaust option, but the Cat stoves all seem to have top only.
(don't want to hi-jack the thread anymore)