EnviroFire pellet stove technical question

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Congratulations, gutterboy. Looks like it will do the trick. Sure beats cutting all those pellets into 1/4" lengths. :cheese:
gutterboy2ca said:
sure will chevtruck, if i ever get any, lol. Can Tire here is saying no supply of Pellets to them till 2nd week of Nov, and i was first in line for Raincheck for a pallet of the hardwood pellets.
Where did you place the thermometer on yours,i'm not saying i can,t get a higher Heat reading in a diff spot maybe, but as you can see in the pics, my probe is in the heat exchanger,as it reaches the room.
BTW just installed the new 3 sec timer at 11:AM today,set it to approx 8 O'clock position and left for the day, just got in at 4PM and was soo relieved to see it still plunking away with a nice burn gowing and a comfortable 125 F Reading with probe.So far i'm glad i got the 3 sec timer(Pellet1).It will be a relief to go to bed tonite with auger set to 9 o,clock and hopefully still see it running in the morning.Fingers crossed..

did you get the timer from your dealer?
Yes, reluctantly i did Hearthtools, he gave me a price of his cost, then when i got there to pick it up he jacked the price another $28, i wasn,t impressed to be honest.If i did buizz like that in my line of work, i wouldn,t be in buizz very long.When i give someone a price for Rain Gutters, thats what it will be when i'm done the job, don,t matter if cost did go up between estimate time and Install time, thats life...Am i wrong on that?? Hmm...
Ohh well, enough Ranting, i'ts in and so far it was a good move, i am now very satisfied with the performance of the EF3. If i could just get some stinkin Pellets now, lol....
hi gutter all canadian tire must have different rules they told me no rainchecks.? i gots a little over 2 tons. 111bags. they went quick at dartmouth store.i had my thermometer right on top of stove where grate comes off the top.this surface is right on top of exchanger tube where you.
Just wanted to say hello to my fellow Maritimers.I've only grazed the content of your posts but seems you are comparing pellet quality. This is my second year of the pellet stove deal. Not sure if pellet quality changes from year to year but regardless of bag specs,the shaw brand is superior to the cozys by far as heat output goes.I just snagged 2 ton of Lignetics from Crappy Tire at that 4.99 price and waiting for buddy to deliver them but am very pleased if they are as good as other reports from the users here say.Saw on tv last nite on CBC about the pellet shortage.Shaw is saying maybe xmas for some people since there is no sawdust or shavings to make them-no mills producing the waste.Next year should be a different game since some new big mills should then be producing.Anyways,I'm running a drolet eco-45 which seems ok though they have had some issues with electronics.I just got a new auger motor on warranty though it took forever-I think the blame may lie with the dealer more than the manufacturer since they are new at this too.Heating someones house is important business-not quite like selling toasters.
i bought a house with ef2i the stove worked great and the auger moter quit part #ef-001 replace from dealer. it still has 1 sec timer might be looking to update. we put new auger motor in and know i have it in the red zone and can't keep it going its not putting the qty of pelllets in the stove that it did last year. stove date is april of 1994. i by passed the dial as it said in the book and still qty of pellets in stove burns it self out the auger is spining sre the gears diffrant . i have cleaned and serviced stove as book said need help please
cdurost said:
i bought a house with ef2i the stove worked great and the auger moter quit part #ef-001 replace from dealer. it still has 1 sec timer might be looking to update. we put new auger motor in and know i have it in the red zone and can't keep it going its not putting the qty of pelllets in the stove that it did last year. stove date is april of 1994. i by passed the dial as it said in the book and still qty of pellets in stove burns it self out the auger is spining sre the gears diffrant . i have cleaned and serviced stove as book said need help please

have you times the feed times
On and off is so what are they?

and are you sure the auger motor is turning? it might be just trying to turn if you have a jam up in the auger.
I pulled a nail out of auger last week. the motor was coming on but only turning a 1/8" then the thermo protection would kick in and shut off. over and over again
The 3 second timer is what solved the feed problems on my EFI 3 stove. If yours is on for only 1 second, and the auger is actually turning, as was indicated by Stove Doc, then I would suggest getting the newer controller. I think there were some sources quoted earlier in the thread. I got mine thru a Canadian supplier, but it actually came from somewhere in NY state, I do believe.
I have a ef2i does anyone have the auger timer part # from the maker not the
evrio #ef-036 I have the 1sec timer # I talk to infrtec here in Syracuse
and get it for
49.95 from them instead of paying 105 .95 from the dealer can
anyone help thanks
If you look at the 1 sec timer that you presently have, and its part number is TRS51A11s2--------then the part that you would want is TRS51A13s2A The number following the first A is the time length. ie 3 vs 1 I took thos e numbers right off the box for the timer for my EF3i stove. Not sure about the EF2i

I got my timer from infitec in Syracuse
Yeah Pellet1 and I went thru all this crap last year, believe me its worth paying to get the 3 sec timer, i still feel it should have been changed undewr warranty by the dealer, but he said the 1 sec timer was not broke and Enviro wouldn,t cover it.Oh well, water under the Bridge.


  • [Hearth.com] EnviroFire pellet stove technical question
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Help needed.
I have an Envirofire II that I bought used a number of years ago. I have always had problems with pellet feed rates. The fire would never burn very high. I have not used it much over the past few years. I now have continual auger jams.
I have replaced the auger motor. Still no luck. With no pellets, the auger will take 90 secs for 1 revolution. I have read that most auger motors are rated for 1 rpm. It appears I may have a 1 sec timer as well. Any suggestions/help is appreciated.
pull that puppy out and order a 3 sec timer and be done with it.I felt it should have been a factory recall/update,my dealer said hey, its not broken, so not covered.I ended up buying the timer from him at his cost(so he said) think was $80, take the part# off the above pictured 3 sec timer and take it to your local Enviro dealer to get one ordered.Can buy it direct from Infetec, but think was a min of 3 had to be purchased..
Nice to see some other Enviro EF3 owners!! I have one, manufacture date 2006. I just set mine at 12 o'clock and timed the auger. It is running for 3 seconds, then off for 7 seconds.

Since last winter, I ran into a similar issue of the fire going out, and it just did it again this morning. Last winter, I was using carry over pellets from the year before, now this year, I still am using some pellets that are two seasons old. I had a service tech here last week to check on it, and he said the old pellets could be causing a less than great burn. In the years prior, I could set the level to the lowest setting and it would never go out, with fresh pellets, now I am sure it would go out if I set it below 12 o'clock. Does anyone know if using old pellets would be a culperit? They have been stored in my basement on pallets, but I am afraid in the summer when the basement is damp that this may degrade the quality too??

I have also been having issues with my auger squeeling. I emptied out the hopped and vacuumed the auger really good, which helped a bit. The service techs said that this can be due to leaving pellets in the hopper for extended periods when not in use and the fines jamming up the auger. Seems to be very loud upon starting then goes away when it warms up.

Andrew in PEI, Canada
Hey Amdrew, this model stove is pretty picky on settings,have you disassembled it in the firebox,removed the 3 rear panels and give it a good vacumn out?this should be done once a year at least,sounds like its not getting enough air.Make sure the Gasket is good where the ash pan seals against the stove, my wife has a habit of shoving the drawer in, and not turning the knob to lock it,giving an air leak, and lazy flame, stove will not stay going.Have you ever popped the Exhaust fan off,and give it a good cleaning in there.Don,t be affraid to strip her down for a good overall cleaning,then when your done with wifey, you can tackle the stove,lol.Sorry, that slipped out,haha.Holler if you have any questions
Thanks for the reply, I do the regular clean every week, and just had the service tech here last week for a full cleaning.
hearthtools said:
gutterboy2ca said:
Awsome Tutorial there Rod, much appreciated explaination, so if the 3 sec is the now regular replacement part for this stove, is this going to solve my problem of stove not staying running below 11 o'clock position?sometimes as we watch the cycle, it will blink 5 times(1 sec each) without a single pellet dropping to the pot.5 sec of auger turning along with 9 sec each x 5 in the off cycle is over 60 sec on inactivity in the burn pot, thats when it goes out.Fingers crossed that replacing this timer is going to give us peace of mind that the stove is still running thru the nite.
Right now with nite temps in the mid 40's and daytime in the 60's we really don,t want to have it set above 12. o'clock just so it will stay running. Sound reasonable to you Rod? thanks in advance, brian, BTW, Love the site, great feedback and a wealth of hands on knowledge..Brian

Yes a 3 second timer will help your problem. on second on is just not enough to feed pellets.
All pellet stoves have a hard time with the Lower setting if the pellets you are using are over 1 1/4" long.
because with longer pellets the auger will dump a few pellets at a time then every so often pellets will build up in the top of the drop shoot and it will dump a bunch at a time then ither smothering the LOW fire out or not giving it enough pellets to keep a fire going.

the only solution is to turn up the feet rate. and this is what you will be doing when you change the timer to a 3 seconds on timer.

BTW the EF3 is one on the simplest stoves to use and maintain.
Just make sure you scrape the Heat exchange scraper as often as possible other wise it become so crusted up you will not be able to scrap it any longer.

Ya think they would have just used a timer with both the ON delay and OFF delay to be programmable and installed an external resistor for the ON delay.
Has anyone taken apart their old timer and opened it up to change the resistor so that it does 3 sec instead of 1 sec?

Too bad they used a "one shot" for the power control. If it wasn't for the power control timer needing a loss of power to restart then a simple Tstat could do on/off stove operation.
I know it is an old thread, but good info just the same.
i have an e3 pellet stove for about 16 years have replaced both fans several times and auger motor once. now my problem is the stove will start and run but shut off after 10 mins no matter how hot and well burning it is.my question is which temp sensor controls this shut down--the one on the exhaust or in the burn area?
The POF it is against the exhaust blower housing on a lot of units and frequently if it is a ceramic unit it just needs to be cleaned. It could be bad but a simple wipe with a damp cloth can work wonders if it was dirty.
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