EnviroFire pellet stove technical question

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Have an EF3 as well, bought it last September and it works great. I run it 75% of the time with the dial a fire in the 9:00 position and have never had an issue with it going out. I have an Enviro MAX down stairs which has no issues on low going out but the burn pot over flows at times causing smoke in the house (Enviro is working with me on this)

I am using Eastern Ember pellets as well; they seem to be the only ones I kind find in this
Thanks for the post on this x96mnn, if i can keep mine running all nite in 9'o,clock with the 3 sec timer i'll be happy as a clam..
Ok, still more testing, WOW ! i would not have believed the difference in pellets as far as heat range.I was finally able to get my hands on another brand of pellets,over the LG-Granules Brand suggested by both of our pellet stove dealers.Well, so much for the frowned upon KENT BLDG pellets,i Like em', i agree they are consitently longer, with prob 10% of the pellets being approx 1.5 inches in lenth, but for the proven heat output from them as you'll see in the attatched pic,thats gotta make a diff come mid winter.All test results were done on a warmed stove with min 45 mins burn time,auger speed set to max, fan speed to 50% , damper 1/2 way open .Flame appearance seems to be similar, just heat output diff of 100 degree's with the (Cozy Comfy) being superior. Any input Ken?? loL


  • [Hearth.com] EnviroFire pellet stove technical question
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  • [Hearth.com] EnviroFire pellet stove technical question
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gutterboy2ca said:
Ok, still more testing, WOW ! i would not have believed the difference in pellets as far as heat range.I was finally able to get my hands on another brand of pellets,over the LG-Granules Brand suggested by both of our pellet stove dealers.Well, so much for the frowned upon KENT BLDG pellets,i Like em', i agree they are consitently longer, with prob 10% of the pellets being approx 1.5 inches in lenth, but for the proven heat output from them as you'll see in the attatched pic,thats gotta make a diff come mid winter.
I think you'll find that you'll also consume more pellets. Since the pellet delivery is not really by weight but by how many get augured in during a feed cycle, longer pellets likely feed more total pellet mass for a given auger setting. Consider that your auger allows say 5 seconds of pellet drop on a feeding turn. So both pellet brands will drop about the same number of pellets (perhaps a few more of the smaller ones due to compaction density), but if the longer ones are consistently say 20% longer, you'll actually be feeding 20% more wood into the burn pot. That being the case, you'd get more heat (you're burning more wood) but you'll also run through a bag quicker. A proper test would involve weighing the pellets fed over a test timeframe.


I agree. The true test is having a house thermometer set in a constant position and monitoring it while you feed two 40 lb bags thru the stove on exactly the same settings. Then, measure the time it takes to empty the stove on each pellet brand. I strongly doubt there will be any measurable difference. Around these parts, Eastern Ember gets the nod from most, although the Cozy Comfort spec out better on the bag.
Ohh, yeah, DiggerJim, go complicate things now, lol.Just when i thought i was getting somewheres.Naw, your prob right,think i'll wait till it gets colder though to do a full 40lb bag burn time test,as its too hot in here at these temps to leave it running on 1/2 way(only place it stays running) so i'll wait till temp drops to 30F constant to do those tests.Hopefully i'll have my 3 sec timer in by Mon and see if it makes a diff on Low settings for reliability...
Nova Scotia pellet burners. I noticed that eastern embers pellets jumped up in price this year, from 4.69 to 5.99 per bag. . Has this happened in your area this year?
Wayne in Windsor,NS.
on that same note, anyone know what brand Canadian Tire sells? i see there on sale this week for $4.99/bag, when i called to see if they were in, she said no but any day, come get a Rain check.Like to know what company they use first though.
Curries hardware-Woodstock NB =LG-Granules--($4.99/Bag/Pallet)--$5.25/bag individual
Kent Bld Cnter = Cozy Comfy-----------($5.50/Bag) by pallet.. $5.99/Bag individual
All Home hardware Franchises-- Eastern Embers---------(5.99/Bag)
Canadian Tire Corp--Type Unknown----($4.99/Bag)
canadian tire sells eastern embers here in nova scotia they did last year. i tried all three brands eastern embers , comfy cozy, and lg, eastern embers burn the hottest in my ef 3 using same exact setting wife said is stove on with comfy cozy ? i said yeah. she said those pelletS suck. LG heat output simular to cozy. my vote is for eastern embers. only advantage i seen to other 2 brands is glass didnt get as dirty. gutter boy unless comfy cozy changed their pellets in the last couple weeks heat is more with eastern .gotta get me on of those probes though
Wow, 56, wondering if the diff may be in the 3 sec module as opposed to the 1 sec garbage i have in.My test results after last nite were totally opposite.Very dissapointed in Eastern Embers, (well not totally)Managed to Grab 2 bags to test with at Home hardware,ran them on Med from 12 yesterday, till it Ran dry at 2PM this afternoon,yeilding 26hrs burntime and a temp of only 200F from the digital thermo, Ash was considerably more then LG Granules, but Less then Cozy Comfy. Not sure if i wanna cry or laugh, as i just ran to Canadiantire and ordered a Pallet on there sat sale for $4.99/Bag, with a 20% Manditory deposit, well, if there Eastern Embers, and i so far don,t like em, it shouldn,t be hard to sell the pallet at $4.99/Bag. But i'm def Leaning towards a pallet of Cozy Comfy for my best heat Value, next step is to test Runtime on a bag tonite of the C.C and see how they compare that way...Before i change the timer..
As far as I know, Eastern Ember have only one pellet mill--in Milford, NS. However, I guess it is entirely possible for any batch run to vary from any other. I have only burned EE pellets, but those around here who have been burning for years, say that EE are the best available. Apparently, only NS spruce saw dust and no bark or any other filler. But who knows??

Is this timer day????
They are def the Darkest of all 3 for some reason,pellet size is more consistant then the other 2 with average longest being only 1 inch,maybe 10%, rest only 1/2 inch consistantly.We noticed a slight Odor with E.E,kinda like when you saw melamine or particle board,and a few total Black Pellets,like a saw burn on wood,not sure whats with them,prob nothing..
Kinda hi-jacking the thread a little...

but, for the EF3 owners in here (with a 3 second timer...sorry gutterboy,lol). What does your flame look like with feed rate at medium? Mine seems to be (most of the time) close to picture 2 above, while burning "lower" for the other times. As I'm getting to the point where we will be leaving on 24/7 (we did last night and all day today) I'm still unsure if it's burning as it should: although I'm fairly sure it is.

Last night I turned it down to the 11 o'clock position and the flame was nearly non existent, which I wasn't comfortable leaving it at, so I left it on medium....

ShaneR34 said:
Kinda hi-jacking the thread a little...

but, for the EF3 owners in here (with a 3 second timer...sorry gutterboy,lol). What does your flame look like with feed rate at medium? Mine seems to be (most of the time) close to picture 2 above, while burning "lower" for the other times. As I'm getting to the point where we will be leaving on 24/7 (we did last night and all day today) I'm still unsure if it's burning as it should: although I'm fairly sure it is.

Last night I turned it down to the 11 o'clock position and the flame was nearly non existent, which I wasn't comfortable leaving it at, so I left it on medium....


you will need to adjust the air when you turn the feed up and down to get the right air to fuel mix
While we are talking apples and apples here, the apples are Macintosh and Gravenstein. That is to say, that what determins the flame is the pellet feed and the air to the flame. We can all achieve a burn consumption of a bag per day(more or less). The difference between the two auger timers will determine the dial a fire knob position to achieve that burn. For me, presently with the 1 second timer module(3 second one on order), I need to set my dial to about the two o'clock position; while you. with the 3 second timer, may burn up a bag with the knob set at 12 o'clock, or mid range.
I think the makers of the Enviro recognized that problem some time ago and switched to the 3 second timer. Later, I believe they went with a total control board. I feel that they should have offered a free upgrade to owners of the older stoves, since it was their engineering problem.
hi gutter i couldnt log on from home last night. if your enviro is working right it should burn at min 280 to 300 F max with pellet feed turned all way up and damper rod about half way out using eastern ember pellets. my enviro is about 3 years old in the winter i run 24/7 except shutting down for cleaning every couple days. if you bought you pellets at canadain tire that are on sale this week you are in luck the brand they have is lignetics and i tested them last night.we have a clear winner here over all brands available in eastern canada! i burned the lignetics for about 4 hours last night with feed on high fan on hi and damper rod out about half and temp was 370/380 F. i was gonna do the deal pierceys building supplies had on spreading the payments over 5 months on 2 pallets full of eastern embers but 70/80F difference and fact they are on sale i will be heading to canadian tire.thing i found with burning eastern embers on high is burn pot would build up not so with lignetics.
hearthtools said:
you will need to adjust the air when you turn the feed up and down to get the right air to fuel mix

Yep...well aware of adusting the air :)

Anything under the 12'oclock position and I get a poor burn, regardless of what I do to the air...
Pellet1 said:
While we are talking apples and apples here, the apples are Macintosh and Gravenstein. That is to say, that what determins the flame is the pellet feed and the air to the flame. We can all achieve a burn consumption of a bag per day(more or less). The difference between the two auger timers will determine the dial a fire knob position to achieve that burn. For me, presently with the 1 second timer module(3 second one on order), I need to set my dial to about the two o'clock position; while you. with the 3 second timer, may burn up a bag with the knob set at 12 o'clock, or mid range.
I think the makers of the Enviro recognized that problem some time ago and switched to the 3 second timer. Later, I believe they went with a total control board. I feel that they should have offered a free upgrade to owners of the older stoves, since it was their engineering problem.

They still make the EF3 stove with the same switches. they just changed to 3 second timers to improve the performance with longer pellets. Just like any thing mechanical after timer you find a better way.
If you have SHORT pellets the 1 second timer works great.

the only reason they use a control board in the OTHER NEW models is PEOPLE want thermostat options (THAT WORK)
The Timer and switch system like the EF 2, 3 and 4 and the older Travis stoves are the best type(IMO)of controls because they are solid state and you only need to change out one timer or switch if something goes bad. A control board system will have to replace the whole control board.
That is enlightening stuff, Hearthtools. So all we need to do is find some real short pellets and things will be OK. I was told by a dealer that the new stoves went to a control board. I was surprised by that and that is why I said that I only thought the new stoves had a control board. Now I know they do not.. If you are following this thread, which it appears you are, you see that some are experiencing burn difficulties with the 1 second timer. Shorter pellets huh.

Our local CTC just got in a whack of Lignetics(may explain the shortage in NE) and are selling them for $250 per ton($5 per bag) I decided to grab 25 bags, just to try out these so called hardwood pellets. Boy, the plastic of the bags sure is thin--even a bad grasp will open them up. The pellets look dark and are quite longish. Can't wait to burn a bag

Thanks again Hearthtools.
Pellet1 said:
That is enlightening stuff, Hearthtools. So all we need to do is find some real short pellets and things will be OK. I was told by a dealer that the new stoves went to a control board. I was surprised by that and that is why I said that I only thought the new stoves had a control board. Now I know they do not.. If you are following this thread, which it appears you are, you see that some are experiencing burn difficulties with the 1 second timer. Shorter pellets huh.

Our local CTC just got in a whack of Lignetics(may explain the shortage in NE) and are selling them for $250 per ton($5 per bag) I decided to grab 25 bags, just to try out these so called hardwood pellets. Boy, the plastic of the bags sure is thin--even a bad grasp will open them up. The pellets look dark and are quite longish. Can't wait to burn a bag

Thanks again Hearthtools.

They changed to a 3 second timer about 3 years ago.
I am thinking if some people got New EF3 stoves This year it was OLD STOCK from distributors because a lot of dealers (my self included) stopped selling the EF3 when the Meridian came out because it had thermostat option and more BTU.
Enviro Kepted making the EF3 and EF4 for the New Zealand and European market.
The sales in North America has been resurrected when the EAST COAST had a feeding Frenzy for wood and pellet stove because of the cost of oil.
Lignetics pellets are made only from the finest premium quality western conifer sawdust (West Coast Plant) and premium quality hardwood sawdust (East Coast Plant).

Lignetics high quality control standards assure you of the highest BTU’s, lowest moisture and least amount of ash residual of any pellet on the market. Lignetics pellets burn hotter and more consistently which provides you more heat per pound.
Hmm, Hardwood in Eastern canada plant huh, well i got a whole pallet of them on raincheck so hope they are ok.
As for there statement of Highest BTU,s, well, guess i'll be digging out the ole Digi Thermo yet another time.
hey gutter unless your stove doesnt burn as hot as mine. you should get at least a min 350 F on high fire will go to 370/380F as i stated no BS! i tried 2 different thermometers with same reading. i bought my winter supply yesterday at canadian tire based on higher heat output than eastern embers and other 2 brands.( supply at canadian tire went fast i would have missed out if wasnt for your post here). let us know your temperature findings.
sure will chevtruck, if i ever get any, lol. Can Tire here is saying no supply of Pellets to them till 2nd week of Nov, and i was first in line for Raincheck for a pallet of the hardwood pellets.
Where did you place the thermometer on yours,i'm not saying i can,t get a higher Heat reading in a diff spot maybe, but as you can see in the pics, my probe is in the heat exchanger,as it reaches the room.
BTW just installed the new 3 sec timer at 11:AM today,set it to approx 8 O'clock position and left for the day, just got in at 4PM and was soo relieved to see it still plunking away with a nice burn gowing and a comfortable 125 F Reading with probe.So far i'm glad i got the 3 sec timer(Pellet1).It will be a relief to go to bed tonite with auger set to 9 o,clock and hopefully still see it running in the morning.Fingers crossed..
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