Ok so the pipes i had are Simpson, 3" sections. I bought $180 worth of pipe for the outside from the dealer. What i purchased was a 5' section, two 45's (he was out of 90's), wall bracket and an appliance adaptor. These were purchased in addition to the 3', 1' and slip pipe I had. I thought it was a pretty good deal? He gave me about 10% discount from his prices. He was very helpful with the pipes. The 2" conduit for the air intake is also here, as well as firecode plywood, durock, mortar, tyle and grout. I'll post pics as soon as the instal is under way.
I did not purchase the double T with its $180cost it was just more than I could spend right now. We also purchased the tyle and grout last night.
So far I've spent $900 on the stove, $210 in hearth and vent related material. I'm into it $1110 this season. Not a bad deal for a stove nearly 10 feet of simpson 3" pellet pipe with adaptor, termination cap, thimble, a 90 and two 45's. Tube of silicone, mortar caulking, tyle, firecode plywood, durock and 5' of 2" conduit.
The best price I could find for the 18.5" x 13.5" x 5mm glass was just over $90 on line. The dealer is going to see how much he can get it for. Please feel free if anyone has a good connection for stove glass.
Sorry, the pics were last minute and one is on the side leaves, I mean lawn and the other is infront of the side door of the house. Just so you could see the pipes and vent material. I'll post some more pics during the installation process.