Factory On setting is 150 Degrees, Factory off is 100, Emergency ON is 200..that means its gotta come on at that setting or risk overfiring the firebox adn crackign stuff. you can adjust the on and off but dont touch the emergency ON setting. Reason i changed mine to snap disc is cuz the honeywell is a bi-metal type, pretty common, but its NOISY in my opinion. I have mine in my main living quarters just blowing freely through the house. i dont have a basement in this old dump. so i cant plumb it into duct work.
Oil ports, yes it has them...my first motor i NEVER realized it and missed it in the manual...the 2nd motor i seen them when it showed up in the box, actually had stickers on em. They're SMALL and hard to get to, especially the one thats towards the inside of the blower..my suggesetion is Get an old bottle of rem oil, (gun cleaning oil) when its empty, take a WD-40 straw, and jam it into the opening of the bottle squirter..then fill with 30 weight motor oil (non detergetnt stuff) and bingo itll make life easier.
As for Having it roaring...no, i burn it at a clean flue temp accroding to my wood. its just to dang big for my little house and cooks us out. haha. I run it with the bottom spin draft open "the thickness of a nickel" by this i mean open the spin draft, hold a nickel against the door, spin draft shut till it wont close no more cuz nickel is sammiched in there, then pull nickel out. Thats a pretty common base setting for this furnace, then use your top to control it the rest of way. i NEVER have to slide the top draft more than half ways open, ever...maybe if im starting stubborn wood with a very small amount of kindling, but still, i never ever run it wide open, never have. haha. Will blower shut off at night?..nope, it stays on pretty much continuous here at my place when its fired up unless fire dies out or power goes out. Will the glass get dirty?..yah if your burning crap wood, wet, unseasoned stuff. Good dry seasoned wood wont make alot of water vaper and creosote. 9 chances outta ten, if you got good dry wood, you'll prolly have to close the bottom spin draft a few notches and then resort to top slide draft. Im all about nice dry wood, or atleast Non-green wood.
Get yourself a stove pipe thermometer, either the cheap magnet kind that they sell at stores, or buy a nice digital one with an alarm on it for high temps or low temps and a pyrometer probe this way you can better learn the stove when you get it. got my fancy one for 80 bucks shipped to the house, i forget the maker of it, its pretty neat. Sure, the glass will show ya flames, but is it burning clean? lol i worry to much about clean pipes cuz i had a chimney fire as a kid and it scared the chit outta me, now im 29, have a wife, a 5yr old boy, and another on the way....Best bet your butt im making things as fail-safe as possible.
ill help as much as possible on other questions if anyones wandering.