I think you are missing the point. American corporations may have higher share valuations, but they are intrinsically weaker today due to increased debt, extended supply chains, bad decisions, etc. The Boeing example is just one debt that is being socialized. Should we be bailing out Boeing for the incredibly dangerous decisions made by management for the 737Max? This culture of profit and shareholder value above all else has cost many lives. In Japan or S. Korea there would be criminal charges filed. Here, crickets.
Wealth is now concentrated and hoarded at the top, instead of being much more evenly distributed and invested in the company and its workers. These are the people that will actual spend that money and keep the momentum of capital in the system. There is a reason why savings are lower now. The cost of life is much more expensive. Education, insurance, healthcare all cost a lot more than when I was going to college. The buying power of the dollar is less and real inflation, not the hedonized govt. variety, has exceeded wage increases for a long time. As a result the middle-class is disappearing quickly.
Wealth is now concentrated and hoarded at the top, instead of being much more evenly distributed and invested in the company and its workers. These are the people that will actual spend that money and keep the momentum of capital in the system. There is a reason why savings are lower now. The cost of life is much more expensive. Education, insurance, healthcare all cost a lot more than when I was going to college. The buying power of the dollar is less and real inflation, not the hedonized govt. variety, has exceeded wage increases for a long time. As a result the middle-class is disappearing quickly.
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