Minister of Fire
While I certainly see your point, we are discussing a modern appliance and ways to use the energy from it that would be otherwise wasted. At my wife does laundry back to back loads and a clothes line that would hold 4-5 loads would be large. Also planning on doing laundry only when there is no rain in the forecast is not as easy in some parts of the country.The idea that your dryer needs a heat exchange condenser, reinforces my general opinion that material things just require more material things.. It's not that I'm a simplification nut.. but really.. where does it stop?
The exception, as to material things, seems to be a wood stove.. simple iron box with a pipe leading to the outside. Yes, it requires wood, but that's pretty much it
As well as a simple iron box with a pipe leading to the outside could use some improvements in efficiency, leading to less wood use, less smoke, and more heat output.....You know I am one of those engineering types