Minister of Fire
I used to use paper now it’s a kitchen butane torch. If I didn’t have little kids it would probably be a bigger benzamatic but the wife might complain if I didn’t have an out of sight place to store it.Okay, team - I practiced top-down lighting this morning and it worked a treat - I followed the instructions from the Canadian video and also learned about E/W logs versus N/S and found some other EPA-style fire lighting videos and the fire is starting in less than 10 mins and is burning clean - I will have to cut my wood shorter for the N/S log lay and it will take a little more kindling than I'm used to but all your suggestions have been super helpful. I think I can ignore the chimney height unless I can't get the fire hot enough this winter but I haven't had to really load up the stove as I'm only trying to get the chill off the house - I'm going to look for one of those nifty fire tools that looks like a mini rake without prongs for bringing the coals forward - the stove does like to have the air open for longer than I'm used to but that that may be related to my minimum chimney height - thanks, everyone I'm feeling much more secure about winter - this is my only heat source other than a backup heater near the north wall water pipes for windy negative twenty nights.
It's not a cat stove - nevertheless, how vigilant are you about not burning colored paper glued to cardboard?