Harley said:Excellent job guys!
Lets hear the story on the "circled" items!! (BTW - I think they are in the wrong place.... unless are they sticking up a little bit because of the rear heat shield?
Also.... what's sitting there on the warming rack...... hope that nothing combustilbe
Congrats again.
Have fun in Reno, Corie, and Hogz.... I still think you should have run the new plow rig down the highway :ahhh:
LOL, the circled items as you know are the mitten warmers. The rear heat shield mtg holes were in use by the inners of the stove. Rear baffle plate we are thinking.
Now no mtg holes. Rather than drill into the cast and remount the mtg tabs on back shield. I used some Neanderthal creativity and made rear shield "hangers" out of the mitten warmers LOL. Bent them to still lock into their original holes, but on and angle down and hook back up so that we could slide the rear shield upper mounting tabs over them. straightened the lower mounting tab flanges and the sucker sat almost perfect. Tweaked the rods a lil so that they stuck up at the same place on each side.
Worked out well, looks decent and didn't have to drill new holes or reconfigure back shield.
Yes thats a combustible, "oven mity" which I made know should not be left laying there
Would take a welder and some extra cash to put the new beast on the highway, have neither of which right now.