I think the cheapest thing to try that has been suggested is to take the cap off. I run mine without a chimney cap.
I never see anything but water vapor with my boiler unless I have bridging going on which is rare. I will climb up on my roof at the different stages if the burn to smell my exhaust directly as I cannot smell anything on the ground. I will report back...
So an update on what I found...
5 mins after I got up on the roof and I could see a little smoke and witin 10ft I could smell normal woodsmoke odor.
15 mins later I ran back up and I was able to smell it when I held my head over the chimney. Very faint smoke.
45 min semi heavy white smoke that felt moist when I put my hand in the vapor. Still slight odor ( I am standing
1 hr I checked again and there was just the heat shimering. The exhaust does have some odor but I nearly have to stick my head in the chimney.
It is smokeless until it goes out.
This is with burning wood that average MC of about 25%. (I know not ideal)
This fire was started with a cold chimney so it took a little while to warm things up. Normally I burn 2 fires a day and everything is still warm.