defiance volcano

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I have also heard of the Defiance Volcano. I am from central Illinois and a friend of mine just put in a Central Boiler to heat his house and their hog farm. In his basement he had a volcano that was actually a boiler. It had about 20ft. of copper coil in the top of the stove that they ran to their propane boiler which then transferred it to their radiant baseboard heat. I actually posted on here previously because I was going to try and modify the stove to use for my radiant in-floor pex tubing for my shed. I am still looking for advice on this, but before everyone said that it was to dangerous being a pressurized vessel. Any thoughts? Any more information on manuals?
bones774 said:
Jast as an FYI- The house is in the Albany region where I noticed another poster also had a defiance. Maybe it is a very regional brand? Thanks

I see them on craig's list here in Michigan from time to time. Made here in Michigan in Da yooper!

Well built and heavy duty.

It's safe to say that Someone.... owes me their first born! ;-)

Volcano and Master's Choice Manual

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Wow, you sure got alot more replies than i did a few months ago. I installed a volcano II in my basement this fall. I got it for free from my ex's father so i figured i'd give it a shot. So far if i keep a good hot fire going with very seasoned wood it will keep my house 70-80 deg, but that's burnin reallly hot. I do have the thermostat hooked up directly but will soon have it wired to a switch.

The main issue i have with it is supplying enough air and getting the dampers set just right. I also think it has the optional coal grates in it. At least im assuming they're coal grates. The holes in the grates are tapered so they hold the ash and it wont fall through to the tray.

It has a helicoil style damper box on the front that tends to act up. Sometimes it works perfectly (adjusting to closed or open depending on the heat) and sometimes it sticks or seems to turn the coil completely around.

Im actually lookin for a damper like a pine barrens wood stove has. The big silver knob that turns in or out to adjust the air flow. If i find one i plan to install it right in the center of the door. Hopefully that will solve my air problem.

But go ahead and fire yours up! I don't even have the duct work hooked up and the hot air blowing into the basement and up the stairs is enough the heat the house.

Hiram: You are the man! Can't wait to see the rest of the manual.
bones774 said:
Jast as an FYI- The house is in the Albany region where I noticed another poster also had a defiance. Maybe it is a very regional brand? Thanks

Yeah that poster with the handle Shadowdoc stiffed me on the manual I sent him!

I went to Kinko's copied the entire manual, sent it to him and he never paid me for the copies and postage as he promised.

If I remember he stung me for $18.00!

Jerk >:(
I was wondering if anyone noticed that in the instructions or the manual that on page 18 it mentions that there is a Volcano II and a Volcano III. Anyone know the difference. I am thinking that the Volcano III is a boiler type used with radiant water then the forced air type.... Anyone know?
Hiram, A big thanks to ya for posting the manual! I cleaned the stove out after work today and flipped the grates over ( never would of thought of that w/o the manual) and now i have probably the best fire goin that i've ever had in it.. And i finally have an idea on where to keep the dampers set for different burns. Thanks again!!!!
SmokinPiney said:
Hiram, A big thanks to ya for posting the manual! I cleaned the stove out after work today and flipped the grates over ( never would of thought of that w/o the manual) and now i have probably the best fire goin that i've ever had in it.. And i finally have an idea on where to keep the dampers set for different burns. Thanks again!!!!

Glad I could help! :cheese:
Could you post a picture of your set-up?
Take care, Hiram
It's the least i can do for ya..

She's an ugly ol girl but she heats just fine now! That Ductwork mess on top was from the previous owner. I just havent run it into my ductwork yet. For now it's just blowin the hot air in the basement and towards the stairs.
[] defiance volcano

Burnin better than it ever has...
[] defiance volcano
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Very Cool! :-)
Thanks for the pictures.
Well I replaced the seal on the front door and that seems to keep it in control now. The damper on the back is somewhat sensative, but I think I got it close to where I want it. Thanks for the manual. Here is a pic of my garage install. Need to finish the duct work to the bonus room when it warms up. I have a small 3 speed furnace fan on it now, but may switch to a larger one so I can move more air when the house is colder. Went from 65% (one fill up) of propane in 5 weeks to 25% in 5 weeks. Already paid for itself this year.


  • [] defiance volcano
    Wood Stove.webp
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Good lookin setup! I think next year im gonna move up to a larger fan too. Just gotta get more air movin around.
SmokinPiney said:
Good lookin setup! I think next year im gonna move up to a larger fan too. Just gotta get more air movin around.


So how is yours working out for you with the grate turned?

Has it made a big difference?

It made a HUGE difference with the grates flipped for a hotter fire. I think next year when im burnin wood that's a little more seasoned i'll try flippin em back over for a thicker coal bed.
Hi All,
I was the OP on this thread, so thought to check back in with the winter coming upon us. It was great to see that someone posted the owners manual, i'll have to read thru it some but I was also surprised to see that flipping the grate would affect performance like that. I will have to go investigate how my grill is positioned. A coupla things though, my furnace has no legs and sits directly on poured concrete slab, probably would last a bit longer off the ground I see some effects already like the paint peeling from the ground up. Too much ductwork attached to do anything about it. Mine is different looking than the other pics posted, I don't have a thermo of any kind and don't have the 2 controls under the door, i do have a elongated box with door controlled by tstat.My fire brick goes up the interior walls only one course high, how high can I get the fire going? when they say fill the firebox, what do they call "fill"? I had it going already this winter and it worked great, my tstat switch seemd to work fine and regulated nice rather than constant on. Let me go read that manual now. thanks
I have been reading this interesting forum and thread about the Valcano wood stoves. My brother was a Valcano dealer in the 1970's and I purchased the unit from him. My brother got his units from a salesman up in Calumet MI, by the name of Ernie Landa. I have been burning the Valcano III for over 30 years in my house in conjunction with my oil boiler which was replaced this year with a natural gas boiler. The Valcano III is well built unit which is made out of 1/4 inch steel and has done a great job of heating my 3600 square foot house. I currently have the water baffle's pulled out of the wood stove because of a minor water leak on the upper baffle, they pull out from the back of the unit which is quite easy to do. I am wondering if someone would know where I could locate some new or used watter baffles? Or possibly a whole Valcano III unit?

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated....

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Wood Stove-Volcano REDUCED! - $375

I see Defiance wood stoves and furnaces on Craigslist here in Michigan quite a bit.

But never a boiler....that' :coolsmile: s cool
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I've watched this thread for awhile....due to the fact I have a volcano II. Bought it 8 years ago for short money (free) and have not been disappointed.However, mine does not look like all the others I've seen on here.Mine has no secondary air controls at the bottom and has a slide out ash pan.Also the jacket around the unit is a green color.I have not been able to find any date of manufacture on it and until the wiki? was posted could not fine anything about this unit. Thanks hiram for posting the info you had. priceless!! If anyone would like to see my setup I'll try to post some pics......let me know.
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We bought a 1952 home that came with a volcano II in the basement. It is hooked into the duct work as a secondary heat source to our oil furnace. We used it successfully in the past, however, we moved away and rented out the house for a few years and upon our return found the whole house, including the volcano, in less than ideal condition. We're trying to re-fire up the furnace but are running into some difficulty.

First-- One of the grates has warped up and is broken in some spots--any suggestions on finding replacements?

Second--Our basement was filled with a foot of water for over 3 months. That is probably why the blower no longer works. Any suggestions on the best and cheapest way to replace the blower?

Third--Our unit must be a bit older than some of those pictured here as it doesn't have the rods at the front--the only source of air for the unit is the back damper. It does, however, have an additional box on top with a hole in the top of it. I'm guessing this is a humidifier. Any one else have this humidifier on top of their unit? How does it function?

Fourth and most currently urgent--We've been heating the house pretty successfully for the past month without the blower--just the radiant heat. The unit smoked a bit out the front but not too badly until this past week. All of a sudden heavy smoke started pouring out the front as well as out the back damper. The flames were also shooting across the top of the fire box towards the door. We thought there might be a blockage so we cleaned out the flu but are still having problems. Thanks to this forum I found out about that sneaky little hole under the Volcano II logo on the front. I freed it up, swung it open and ash poured out. Anyone ever had to clean a significant amount of ash out of the secondary burn compartment before?

I did find the 2 page "instruction manual" for our unit, tucked into an envelope between the wires going into our fuse box in the basement. Unfortunately, it is very brief and only really shows how to install it.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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I can help you with at least one of the above.
The fan is pretty much a standard issue - Fasco or Dayton.

You can replace it with many various fans of about 450+ CFM.......bringing it into Grainger if you or anyone you know has a account will do the job.

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You can check the size of the inlet after removing the old blower or bring it with you to Graingers.

I would think you can find a generic grate of sorts - if you measure it can build it out of a few if needed. A place like woodmans associates would probably have something if you gave dimensions.
You might even be able to use an EBay grate - something for a BBQ or stuff like that - either cast iron or stainless steel:

It sure sounds like you have a flyash buildup in the upper heat exchangers area......should be easy to clean out one way or another.....remove the pipe from the top of the unit and use a brush on a flex wire handle...clean some through the hole, tc.
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In regards to the ash build up behind the peek hole in the upper heat exchanger, I,ve noticed some accumulation in mine as the heating season wears on.I'm in the habit of cleaning it once per year in the summer and I usually get about a 2 cups of light grey powdery fly ash out of it. I don't know if if the ash could build up enough to restrict the exhaust flow but it it needs to be cleaned regardless and it's easy to do.My stove has the air inlet in the front just above the ash pan and consists of a metal flap attached to a bimetal coil which is inside a housing bolted to the stove.The humidifier on mine is a square box which mounts over the hot air discharge and has a trough on one side for filling.
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