Take it from another "many hat wearer" have to look long and hard for "good" employees. Sometimes they are like milk.....they start out good, but sour quickly. Part of your "job", I guess is determining when something just isnt working, and acting accordingly (give em the axe). Someone who is unreliable is worse that noone at all. You make appointments for both of you, then, when he doesnt come in because he has a headache, your scheduled is messed up. Dont expect ANY of them to have the same work ethic as you do....its just not going to happen.
As for motivation, some you cant motivate. You can maybe minimze your risk by looking for people who actually NEED the money. Folks with families, kids, DEBT. Unfortunately, anyone who is motivated by money will never be happy. You will constantly have to "up the ante" to keep them happy. Key here is to pay them enough that they cant jump ship easily....they wont get the same money anywhere else. And to be honest, I think in the state of MA $12.50 is somewhat low. I know, I know, all the bennnies you are giving them have value, and they certainly do, but the cold hard fact is that MOST people DO NOT PUT A VALUE ON BENNIES! Health insurance, a vehicle, a phone, matching 401K (or SIMPLE plan, if youre small), a business owner, we can enumerate their value, but, well, until its needed, it has no value to the employee.
How else to motivate? Well, donuses are good, but they all too often arent looked at as a bonus by the employee. Hand him $2000, you'll get a thanks, but likely wont build any real thanks. Gosh, I am so cynical.
Beware the money guy tho.....first chance he gets, because he can get 50 cents more an hour, he's gonzo......dont fall into that trap. Only thing I can say there is pay them well, toward the high end of the scale, and they wont EASILY be able to go anywhere. Also, dont overlook a major part of the workforce- women, older folks. Hate to say it, but both are generally more reliable than the guy who lives in an apartment and just works for food, cable, and jeans. Ive met some exceedingly capable semi-retired folks who are just looking for something to do.....maybe you only work them 20 hours per week, but evenso, its still 20 hours per week of help. Women? Again, a great choice....they arent as itinerant, often have a better rapport with customers, and female customers SOMETIMES prefer them! Oddly, its funny that sometimes those same female cstomers seem to have a bias when it comes to men and women and equipment.....they seem much more likely to "ask for a man"....weird......
I feel for you pal, as I can sense that you are "right there" with that next growth step. Frankly, I always wondered how you did all that travelling. The thing is, you also need to learn to enjoy life....its not all work!
Bon Chance!