Covid lockdown???

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You claim certain things (faulty tests, masks bad for health) without providing data. Given the known false positive rates that are out there, it would be good to provide a source for your information.
Because such statements of belief presented as fact without the underlying data are precisely how misinformation costs lives.
Regarding mortality, I believe that in this decentralized country, the numbers for 2020 are not yet out (to compare to pre-pandemic rates).
And as long as we are having an open, honest, discussion about Covid, i would like to add this.
The test they use for Covid is faulty. Way to many false positives.
They know this and are going to start using another test in December. Why they want to wait till December to start using the other test, i dont know. Again i suspect money and politics.

The only numbers i feel are worth paying attention to, are the total # of deaths in the US. No, not the Covid deaths, all deaths vs other years. I tried to find the numbers on the CDC website for total deaths to date, vs other years to date, but i could not find it.
If someone can find it and paste a link, that would be great.

Which test are you referring to? I can tell you that me and 35 of my coworkers were tested weekly from 10/2020 to May 2021 with PCR tests.

There was one positive test in that time period. So just from our small sample 1 out of about 1000 tests.
Which test are you referring to? I can tell you that me and 35 of my coworkers were tested weekly from 10/2020 to May 2021 with PCR tests.

There was one positive test in that time period. So just from our small sample 1 out of about 1000 tests.

Same here. Twice weekly tests for more than a year. Now back to no regular testing (tho I suspect it'll change back to at least weekly soon).
In 2 workplaces of my wife (nursing home and hospital), there were zero false positives (that we know of - and they did do double tests especially initially when a positive test came in). False negatives though have occurred more often...
Which test are you referring to? I can tell you that me and 35 of my coworkers were tested weekly from 10/2020 to May 2021 with PCR tests.

There was one positive test in that time period. So just from our small sample 1 out of about 1000 tests.
I personally know some people that had to have the test taken, and it came back positive. They didnt believe it, so they went somewhere else to take the test, and it came back negative.
You claim certain things (faulty tests, masks bad for health) without providing data. Given the known false positive rates that are out there, it would be good to provide a source for your information.
Because such statements of belief presented as fact without the underlying data are precisely how misinformation costs lives.
It comes back to reality/commen sense, versus what the media portrays. Common Sense tells me, that if someone takes two tests in the same day, and they don't agree, one of the test is faulty. I have heard many instances of this happening, but I don't personally know the people.

And to the health detriment of face masks, Common Sense tells me that's if you are rebreathing all of the air underneath your face mask, that certainly can't be good for you. Instead of getting fresh air with oxygen in it, you are re breathing your air full of carbon dioxide and who knows what other bacteria and fungi.
Humans are notoriously bad at "common sensing" statistics of large numbers (hence insurance companies doing so well, but that's another issue alltogether).
I agree two inconsistent tests indicates something went awry. However, then to extrapolate those few instances you *know* of (rather than hearsay) to a whole population just does not work.

And regarding masks: you are dead wrong. I'm sorry. The point is they act like filters. Some things go through, others do not. CO2 goes through. The concentration is just not measurably higher than the outside air. Germs: you have a point. Hence, wash your mask after a day of (intermittent, by now) use. Or use a new disposable one. Just like you clean the germs off of your cell phone every day. Oh. I see.
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It comes back to where you get your info. From the politicians and media, or reality.
If you are hunkered in your basement just listening to the mainstream media, it is no wonder you are scared. Because if you have fear, you will not have commen sense.
Classic example is a human stampede, where they trample people to death. I am not accusing anyone of not having commen sense, just saying when fear comes, commen sense flies away.
But ignoring the general consensus of the world scientific and medical community in favor of the media outlets political and religious figures you choose the believe (who are by far in the minority) is common sense?

Talk to some of the ICU drs and nurses who are actually working with patients. Ask why so many are taking leave or quitting. They have nothing to gain other than extreme levels of stress and being incredibly over worked.
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And not to mention the mental impact on the young children who can't even see faces and have to breathe through those filthy masks for hours and hours a day....This is child abuse...My step father told me that in that real bad flu back long ago that they wore masks but had to discontinue them because the people started getting bacteria ammonia from them the masks instead of the Spanish Flu to where many many people died "worldwide"...He told me that the only thing that saved him was he had a friend who was a medical student and gave him some kind of a shot...he did not know what??...My step father was born 1890's or about...If I were a parent I would not let my children attend school under those circumstances and to me this is child abuse...and yes I would be right there with all the other parents that the corrupt school boards with money backing are not paying attention to and the parents have a right to raise their children on how they see fit and not leave it up to a bunch of bureaucrats to decide their children's future...This is totally not right especially when they threaten people's way of making a living for their family with all these mandates that take their jobs away by forcing them to take a vaccine that has fetal tissue in it as well as very dangerous other materials that I could name but won't...I repeat my brother got the vaccine and in less than a month he was dead with heart problems that he never it makes one wonder about all of this especially since we have been given such wrong information.....Our country is in trouble and pray to the almighty blessed God for help...old mrs clancey
huh, mental impact on children? Mine even forget to take off their mask when they get home. An hour after coming home I have to tell them "you can take off your mask if you want"... and then I get a smirk that they had forgotten.
For them it's "I go out of the house and put my shoes and mask on". Just normal.
Would they enjoy not having to? Of course. However, I do not see any mental impact of the masks.
In fact the masks have allowed in school education here, and I can say that the mental impact of on-screen education (from March '20 to summer that year) was visible.
I am incredibly grateful for the science that has allowed us to create measures that allowed my kids to go to school without having a large part of that population getting Covid. I hope the same measures remain in effect at least until all are vaccinated. (Which, yes, should be obligatory for in-person education, just as mumps rubella and what not.)
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And not to mention the mental impact on the young children who can't even see faces and have to breathe through those filthy masks for hours and hours a day....This is child abuse...My step father told me that in that real bad flu back long ago that they wore masks but had to discontinue them because the people started getting bacteria ammonia from them the masks instead of the Spanish Flu to where many many people died "worldwide"...He told me that the only thing that saved him was he had a friend who was a medical student and gave him some kind of a shot...he did not know what??...My step father was born 1890's or about...If I were a parent I would not let my children attend school under those circumstances and to me this is child abuse...and yes I would be right there with all the other parents that the corrupt school boards with money backing are not paying attention to and the parents have a right to raise their children on how they see fit and not leave it up to a bunch of bureaucrats to decide their children's future...This is totally not right especially when they threaten people's way of making a living for their family with all these mandates that take their jobs away by forcing them to take a vaccine that has fetal tissue in it as well as very dangerous other materials that I could name but won't...I repeat my brother got the vaccine and in less than a month he was dead with heart problems that he never it makes one wonder about all of this especially since we have been given such wrong information.....Our country is in trouble and pray to the almighty blessed God for help...old mrs clancey
How many kids have you talked to about the masks???

My kids don't care about them in the least and half the time forget to take them off after we are in the car or after they get home. And this is what I hear commonly.

Secondly there is absolutely no fetal tissue used in the vaccines. That is completely untrue.

What other dangerous materials are in the vaccines? You said you wanted to explain your viewpoint here is your chance
I personally know some people that had to have the test taken, and it came back positive. They didnt believe it, so they went somewhere else to take the test, and it came back negative.

So you assume it was a false positive, what if it was a false negative?

There is also a narrow window of time when the tests can come back positive so it's possible there was an active infection and by the time the 2nd test was done the infection was through. In that case both tests were then correct despite what the results look like.

It comes back to reality/commen sense, versus what the media portrays. Common Sense tells me, that if someone takes two tests in the same day, and they don't agree, one of the test is faulty. I have heard many instances of this happening, but I don't personally know the people.

And to the health detriment of face masks, Common Sense tells me that's if you are rebreathing all of the air underneath your face mask, that certainly can't be good for you. Instead of getting fresh air with oxygen in it, you are re breathing your air full of carbon dioxide and who knows what other bacteria and fungi.

If you're washing cloth masks and disposing of paper masks there's no issue of diseases from a daily wear. If you were indeed inhaling CO2 as much as you're saying there would be people passing out every day in every public place.

And not to mention the mental impact on the young children who can't even see faces and have to breathe through those filthy masks for hours and hours a day....This is child abuse...My step father told me that in that real bad flu back long ago that they wore masks but had to discontinue them because the people started getting bacteria ammonia from them the masks instead of the Spanish Flu to where many many people died "worldwide"...He told me that the only thing that saved him was he had a friend who was a medical student and gave him some kind of a shot...he did not know what??...My step father was born 1890's or about...If I were a parent I would not let my children attend school under those circumstances and to me this is child abuse...and yes I would be right there with all the other parents that the corrupt school boards with money backing are not paying attention to and the parents have a right to raise their children on how they see fit and not leave it up to a bunch of bureaucrats to decide their children's future...This is totally not right especially when they threaten people's way of making a living for their family with all these mandates that take their jobs away by forcing them to take a vaccine that has fetal tissue in it as well as very dangerous other materials that I could name but won't...I repeat my brother got the vaccine and in less than a month he was dead with heart problems that he never it makes one wonder about all of this especially since we have been given such wrong information.....Our country is in trouble and pray to the almighty blessed God for help...old mrs clancey

My 13 year old is fine with wearing a mask. She'd prefer not to but in the daily living of her life it doesn't make a large impression. If a parent also doesn't want to follow the rules set forth by the school they are free to enroll them somewhere else that doesn't require what they feel is unfair.

Sorry to hear about your brother. The unfortunate fact is that with any medication there can be side effects that you can't predict. I can't use penicillin, my wife has an allergy to latex, and my brother is allergic to amoxicillin. None of these are apparent before there's an issue.
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I have no idea if covid is real or not then again I do believe it is real.
I have just returned from a funeral. One that I hoped I would never have to attend.
I just buried my firstborn. He was 37 and like some here a very healthy young man
8 days ago he had the systems of covid his mother made him go for a test. It
came back positive. 4 days later he was dead. He was an anti vacer and now
we pay the price. His wife and 3 young children are in quarantine. Please Lord
watch over them. If you think it is a hoax fine I just hope and pray you never
have to bury one of your children. I think I will climb into my grief and just see
how good that 30 old bottle of signal malt is ..
I have no idea if covid is real or not then again I do believe it is real.
I have just returned from a funeral. One that I hoped I would never have to attend.
I just buried my firstborn. He was 37 and like some here a very healthy young man
8 days ago he had the systems of covid his mother made him go for a test. It
came back positive. 4 days later he was dead. He was an anti vacer and now
we pay the price. His wife and 3 young children are in quarantine. Please Lord
watch over them. If you think it is a hoax fine I just hope and pray you never
have to bury one of your children. I think I will climb into my grief and just see
how good that 30 old bottle of signal malt is ..
I went to respond with a like but realized how horrible that sounded. My deepest condolences
So very very sorry and it has taken a lot of people's lives and this is serious sorry...praying for you and your family..clancey
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I have no idea if covid is real or not then again I do believe it is real.
I have just returned from a funeral. One that I hoped I would never have to attend.
I just buried my firstborn. He was 37 and like some here a very healthy young man
8 days ago he had the systems of covid his mother made him go for a test. It
came back positive. 4 days later he was dead. He was an anti vacer and now
we pay the price. His wife and 3 young children are in quarantine. Please Lord
watch over them. If you think it is a hoax fine I just hope and pray you never
have to bury one of your children. I think I will climb into my grief and just see
how good that 30 old bottle of signal malt is ..
So sorry for your loss.
@johneh I am so sorry to hear that. That is not something a parent should have to live through.
On 8/16/2021 we had 120 new cases in our county with 9 in the hospital, the report today is 101 new cases with the same amount in the hospital.

I don't think the kids are back in the four different colleges in the surrounding area but if it was like last year, our cases in our county will jump even more.
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sorry for your loss johneh. thanks bholler i liked it and after reading it sounded stupid that i liked it. i don't.
sorry for your loss mrs. clancy. i just heard of a story from one of my best friends about his niece' friend, the doctors don't know why she had lost her life at 27 but brought her back right now she is in the hospital and can't move her arms and legs. the only thing they can point to is the vaccine.

a friend down the street just before the vaccine was passed for teens buried her teen. was in three sports and super healthy. came home after track and couldn't really catch her breath on friday left in a ambulance. monday she was dead. closer to this time, 2 weeks ago my sister inlaw her two kids and two grand children caught covid D and she said that everybody was sick 5 days and it was over and she 66 and had a heart attack and is overweight. her daughter has spinal biffidda (sorry for the spelling) they all made it and i would say it was because of the 2 shots before hand of the vaccine. just my 2 cents. vaccine believer. and yes there are side affects but not as many as you think. everything has side effect even aspirin.
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Yea I have a friend whose son is 34 and he got sick and is out of the hospital now and he was vaccinated so he made it but his mother asked him where he might have got it and he replied the only thing he can think of was filling his truck with gas so wear gloves everyone at the gas pump.. Another friend a handyman by the name of Roger got it and he is 70 years old and not vaccinated and his lung collapsed and they put him on a vent "twice" and to everyone's surprise he made it okay but they gave him those antibodies from people who already had it and he made it.., but he is home now coughing and choking with the slightest effort..I sure hope his lungs get better for he is a real nice man. I am just keeping my (a) at home hoping it does not come my way...wear gloves everybody and wash your hands often as well..Rest and take vitamins and plenty of fluids and rest awhile --don 't over exert "yourselves"---this will pass and we will get over this bad time...terrible clancey..
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On 8/16/2021 we had 120 new cases in our county with 9 in the hospital, the report today is 101 new cases with the same amount in the hospital.

I don't think the kids are back in the four different colleges in the surrounding area but if it was like last year, our cases in our county will jump even more.
Wow, that's wild for the St. Lawrence area. Stay safe!
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