Cooking with a wood insert any suggestions?

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I cooked six pizza last night. The first three came out very nice. 6-10 minute cook time. The next two the crust burned before the top was cooked. The lid was over 950 degrees. Last pizza I placed tinfoil between the Dutch oven lid and the pizza screen. Worked really well. All the opening of the door really cuts the amount of radiant heat inside the fire box. I’m thinking of getting a couple firebricks to put on the coal instead of the lid. I sure it will heat up more slowly but that’s what I need I think. Iteration four May be a rack to keep the piazzas closer for the baffle. All this is proving to me is that I need a a true wood fired oven. [] Cooking with a wood insert any suggestions?
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Thanks for the pizza pics. Will be trying this.
Well I was rushing and didn’t wait for my startup load to burn down. I had some secondary flames and a couple splits which were not very dry, still filling half the fire box. Threw the lid on the splits waited a few, less than 5 minutes and put the first pizza in. Lid was about 900 degrees. Left primary air full open for a minute to re-establish secondaries and then cut it back.

So this is the way to cook pizza in you wood stove. Topping got blackened edges crust was perfect and the pizza was done in 4 minutes.

If I had a good coal bed it probably would have been to much heat up from the bottom. With the lid method you can slow the heat transfer for the first piazza maybe two. #cookingwithsecondaries.

[] Cooking with a wood insert any suggestions?
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I moved all the pizza chatter to the Inglenook. It's a hot topic!

Homemade Pizza
Baked potatoes. Did two in tin foil. It worked great. Needed 7 for dinner and that much foil seemed waist full. So I stuffed my Dutch oven full. Loaded some coals on top. Left it two hours. Hot coals. Some burned spots bottom and sides. Great potatoes.

[] Cooking with a wood insert any suggestions? [] Cooking with a wood insert any suggestions?
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