Xena said:According to the info u got from
Eventemp's web site, 2.025 lbs / hr
Living room was 73 degrees.
In my 7th year with this stove so
the novelty of tracking stuff like
that has long since worn off for me.
Don2222 said:Xena said:Woke up to 18 degrees outside. Burned green supremes
last night but dumped in a bag of Okanagan at 8 am.
How many lbs per hour was your stove set to?
Remember this thread on lbs/hr
Thanks Xena
It is just good to compare apples to apples instead of heat settings.
I have a basement install so I ran 3.22 lbs/hr last night but throttled it back to 2.46 lbs/hr during the day today to maintain the cozy inside temps.
I find 3.22 lbs/hr helps when starting the stove when outside temps are falling. Once the house it heated it holds the heat very well. Sometimes it is hard to know to shut it down or not during the day because it uses more pellets to get the house warm again.

P.S. Finally got the shed feed wires done so now I just need an outlet next to where the hearth goes and I will be doing a Shed Install