SmokeyTheBear said:ITBURNS(AKA pelletnubi) said:SmokeyTheBear said:Toasty where I am, not so outside. There was no new low for this season this morning. Temperature was 15 something outside and there was plenty of frost and the water in the little coop froze overnight. When it warms up a bit I'm going to cut up some pumpkin as a peace offering to the gals in the little coop.
Do you have the coop far away from any electicity? I'm asking as I'm still trying to find a way to keep the one I put together at my parents', from freezing. I don't have electric near it and so far it's been ok but last night was the first freeze. This is my first winter with this coop and am trying to find a way. I hope my featherless necks LOL(turkens/naked necks), don't freeze dry. I already have to deal with the new hatchings from last night into today, from freezing over, had two hens in the last month go brody on me and one had 9 three weeks ago and still waiting to count last nights hatchlings from the second hen.
Both of our coops have electricity, the little coop doesn't have an electric water heater, the big one does. So the little coop gets its waterer swapped out several times a day in cold weather. The big coop has a heater for its large metal waterer (the temperature has to get really low for a long time for that one to freeze). The birds don't seem to notice the temperatures. Mamma will tend to the peeps just make sure she has water and food close.
If I get tired of the chore I can always put the chickens into the big coop. But they like having the extra room.
I have to figure something out as my parents house is 8 miles away and don't want to burden them with swapping water several times a day. I've been kicking around an idea of building kinda of a green house around the coop to completely enclose it in and see if waterer would defrost during the day. I currently still have the 55 gallon drum feeding a hose run of I believe 10 nipple waterers but will have to drain that this week and put in at least a 5 gallon waterer like yours.
Maybe someone can come up with a solar powered pellet stove small enough for the coop

I didn't even check to see if there is a forum here to talk about things like this, is there one? I'll go looking now anyway to see so that this thread doesn't get hijacked any longer.