FWIW, I've never gotten pellets that were a blend from TSC, that were so bad I wouldn't consider using them again. And the ones packaged by Maine Woods are a little ashy but quite hot, I've burned many bags of those over the years. They have sold some straight hard woods I wouldn't bother with again. But one year they sold some pure white pines that I'd like to get my hands on a lifetime supply of, hot , hot pellets and almost 0 ash on the pot ! That said, if you have a Home Depot near by, check with them and see if they have some Fireside Ultra pellets in stock ( i know that Plymouth HD has them because I've been buying them there at $5.18 a bag), those should burn pretty well for you. Those are about my favorite mid range , hot, if a little dirty in a low burn BBS pellet. They are fine in the cold weather too. FSU are not a bad pellet at all. Maine Woods blends are not a bad pellet either but a little more ash.
You just need to get your air set right in that stove, no way you should be throwing sparks out the vent regardless what brand pellets you are burning..
I think my first pellets were the HD Fireside Ultra, I'll go back tomorrow since there is one just up the street from me.
I'll keep playing with the air and fan settings once I get the new pellets and see if it makes a difference.
Someone earlier made reference to adjusting the fan on the burn pot... is that tied in to the room fan setting or the exhaust fan? I only have those 2 to choose from. Or was I misinterpreting that as adjusting the air damper?