Minister of Fire
Handy to have a consumer grade indoor weather station. I spent about 50 bucks on Amazon a couple years ago, for a four sensor system. Three remotes monitor temp and RH, plus the display unit has a temp and RH sensor in it as well.
Looking at the display I can see right now +51dF and 24%RH where my incoming water pipe enters the crawlspace, +51dF and 22% RH next to my dehumidifier in the crawlspace, +64dF and 25%RH in my wood shop, and +67dF and 17%RH in my office.
While stovetop simmer pots are adequate for some/most/many, I found mine got pretty gross in just a few days. I know from experience if I can keep the RH above about 18% my wife is not going to have multiple serial nosebleeds.
I know I need about 2 gallons daily through the humidifier daily to keep my spouse comfortable in the depths of winter, but is super handy to be able to put a number on it. When I keep the RH above that number she doesn't complain. Need to have a target if you are going to shoot it at is all I am saying.
Looking at the display I can see right now +51dF and 24%RH where my incoming water pipe enters the crawlspace, +51dF and 22% RH next to my dehumidifier in the crawlspace, +64dF and 25%RH in my wood shop, and +67dF and 17%RH in my office.
While stovetop simmer pots are adequate for some/most/many, I found mine got pretty gross in just a few days. I know from experience if I can keep the RH above about 18% my wife is not going to have multiple serial nosebleeds.
I know I need about 2 gallons daily through the humidifier daily to keep my spouse comfortable in the depths of winter, but is super handy to be able to put a number on it. When I keep the RH above that number she doesn't complain. Need to have a target if you are going to shoot it at is all I am saying.