Well, I GOT IT
I finally went back to the glue trap idea, the sticky rubbery stuff in the little tray. SO hard to work with but Lordy, it is sticky. I also found my little automotive mirror on a handle, a small round one that I could get in there and maneuver until I could see the flashlight, so I knew where to aim. And in my shop I found the world's largest cable tie, just lying around. About 2 and a half feet long, a good quarter inch wide, pliable enough to go around the corner, stiff enough to let me push down on it. The head of the tie is about the size of my fingernail, so I could get a good glob on it. The first 10 or 12 tries, I just got a coating of ash and powder, but I kept adding the gick and the size of the glob got to at least an inch in diameter.
Finally I could feel the gick pushing against the flashlight so I let it settle in good, then pulled up and when it got near the top I was able to grab it!
Luckily for my hand and the flashlight, the gick is soluble with gasoline. So my hand is clean and the flashlight is clean and shiny.
AND -- the flashlight was still on and shining brightly.
So, case closed. And thanks to all for the ideas and interest.
Graphite as a lubricant? I presume that would be at a hardware or auto parts store? Just apply it to all the sliding surfaces?
Thanks again!