I am trying different things. I have been running Regency inserts since 1998, ice storm in QC, I am sure you remember. I ran my I1300 with wood that was cut and slip in May . I am doing it and I slip the log in 4 pieces and burn nothing other than beech and maple. I was getting 500 to 550 F on that stove and keeping that temp for at least 5 hours. I don't know if it is the wood but I will get a few packs of the compress wood, and carefully, check at what temp I can bring my unit with this wood which is full dry . I will have two gauge, one on the top shelve over the door and one on the front , as it's usual spot . I will see what I get as results. Perfect day to do this , the high will be 3F or -16 C .Definitely wood is too wet and you are not cutting the air back.
Since you live right near me I can say that this summer was very bad for drying wood. I have ash that was cut split and stacked last fall that has sat in full sun and wind all summer that is not ready. I live just south of valleyfield in Saint Louis de Gonzague