Greetings fellow log lovers
I've just had a Caddy advanced installed with a AC connected to the cold air return duct. Unfortunately only now I know the issues with my current setup. In my defense, the tech specs Q&A on the Caddy Advanced page say an AC can be done, but it turns out they aren't reffering to the advanced rather their other PSG units.
1) I have a caddy advanced which doesn't have an extra 24v to power the AC, or communicate.
2) The AC coil is located in the return duct, which can cause condensation and rust to the firebox, or potential melting issues if the power goes out and heat transfers to the cold duct from the supply plenum, however the later is low odds based on where the coil is.
I know how to resolve 2), by copying the AC setup for the Caddy Max, itemized in 10.2.
Does anyone have a detailed explanation for how to resolve #1?
Some words I've heard thrown around are, extra 24V transformer, powered from somewhere {the advanced board possibly?), with a relay to call for the fan when set to cool mode.
As it is, were already having an issue just gettting the fan to spin on it's own, aside from any AC input.
I've reached out to PSG, who didn't have a solution. I've contemplated returning the unit to supplier.
The problem is trying to get a replacement Caddy Max or other before this winter will be a stretch.
Thank you for any masterminds.

1) I have a caddy advanced which doesn't have an extra 24v to power the AC, or communicate.
2) The AC coil is located in the return duct, which can cause condensation and rust to the firebox, or potential melting issues if the power goes out and heat transfers to the cold duct from the supply plenum, however the later is low odds based on where the coil is.
I know how to resolve 2), by copying the AC setup for the Caddy Max, itemized in 10.2.
Does anyone have a detailed explanation for how to resolve #1?
Some words I've heard thrown around are, extra 24V transformer, powered from somewhere {the advanced board possibly?), with a relay to call for the fan when set to cool mode.
As it is, were already having an issue just gettting the fan to spin on it's own, aside from any AC input.
I've reached out to PSG, who didn't have a solution. I've contemplated returning the unit to supplier.
The problem is trying to get a replacement Caddy Max or other before this winter will be a stretch.
Thank you for any masterminds.