Buying a bk king 40 couple questions

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I would go to your friend, and have a good look at his king....
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I would go to your friend, and have a good look at his king....
[] Buying a bk king 40 couple questions

His opening little bigger than mine to say the least.
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It should be a strait shot up the chimney out the top of the stove
I made that comment after the suggestion to move the stove forward was made.
That's a nice setting. His stove is on the pedestal base. This is one on the Classic Base which may be helpful for increased clearances if needed.

[] Buying a bk king 40 couple questions
Soooo? This King is going to be stuffed into a masonry fireplace with a new 8" insulated stainless liner. Correct? No bends. No 90's. Has the original poster consulted with BK about the freestanding stove having a rear mounted therm. assembly? How will this be operated if the stove is recessed? Reaching back between a roasting hot stove and a brick wall to grab the control knob sounds like no fun. And more importantly. Will the thermostatic control, function correctly in this confined configuration? Couple things I would likely confirm prior to going this route. Right?
Stuffed no.. the unit is only going to be about 8 to 10 inches into the fireplace the rest will be sitting outside of the fireplace onto the hearth.
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Do you know whether the tip of the bypass handle will fit under your 4' limit when you flip it over? Get those height numbers.

Also, make sure that you have an insulated block off plate so your heat doesn't disappear into the chimney.
Like I said, some fireplaces can be quite large down south. It’s like a little room.

I’m not as worried about access to the controls as I am that the masonry may radiate/absorb so much heat to the thermostat box that it doesn’t operate correctly. This problem comes up when the cold masonry is just a couple of inches from the stove though. This Alabama special looks like it might work out.

He can always scooch the stove over to one side for better access to the bypass and stat knob.
Like I said, some fireplaces can be quite large down south. It’s like a little room.

I’m not as worried about access to the controls as I am that the masonry may radiate/absorb so much heat to the thermostat box that it doesn’t operate correctly. This problem comes up when the cold masonry is just a couple of inches from the stove though. This Alabama special looks like it might work out.

He can always scooch the stove over to one side for better access to the bypass and stat knob.
Just keep it 6" off the back wall to avoid concern of bricks radiating heat back at thermostat. Got to love big fireplaces that can accommodate big stoves!
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