Something doesn't add up, I doubt you could burn that much in an open fireplace in a week.
I'd close off part of the house during the coldest weather.
3/4 of a full cord = 96 cubic feet, over 8 days. Again, not hard to do when feeding two 3.0 cubic foot stoves three times per day. 3.0 cu.ft. * 3 loads * 2 stoves * 8 days = 144 cu.ft.Are you talking 3/4 of a face cord or a full cord 128 sq ft.?
Why not? As I showed above, that's only three loads of 2.0 cubic feet per day per stove. Hardly pushing it for two 3.0 cubic foot stoves, although in reality, I was running two larger loads and one smaller load each day, as my schedule dictates.
Unless you are a wood burning psycho like meRunning multiple stoves regularly gets pretty old by late winter.
I went through 75% - 80% of a full cord in 8 days, when we were having some very cold weather two weeks ago.
I am willing to bet any seasoned less than desirable wood is way better than very desirable wet wood. I am willing to bet 17% MC poplar is way better than 35% MC oak.. Plus you are burning better and safer.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this poplar is what I hear folks in other parts of the country call cotton wood. This came from a large tree bucked into rounds 3-4 years ago, and split and stacked last year.
Nope. Two different birds there. Poplar and cottonwood may be in the same families but they are very different.
I would counter to the contrary, at least with poplar and cottonwoods around here. Cottonwood, aspen and true poplars are all in the Poplar genus, and very similar. They all have low heat values as firewood.
Joful,I went through 75% - 80% of a full cord in 8 days, when we were having some very cold weather two weeks ago. That's above my normal rate of usage when it's less cold, but when you do the math, it's not really that much! I was doing 3 loads per day in two stoves, so that's really only 0.75 * 128 cu.ft. / 8 days / 6 loads/day = 2.0 cu.ft. per load, on average.
I'm hoping (for his sake!) that BAR went thru less wood than me. He's got more years experience (better technique), and more years of stockpiling wood (better wood). I think that if I had been able to burn more oak and less poplar, I'd have gone thru less wood, too!
I think that's where the confusion is. The 11.5hrs between loading is not your normal loading pattern. That made it seem like they were only getting filled twice a day. It sounds like they are getting reloaded every 8 hrs... Do you have next years firewood split and stacked already?
I would bet on the 35% oak myself (comparing the poplar to oak by volume).
I would counter to the contrary, at least with poplar and cottonwoods around here. Cottonwood, aspen and true poplars are all in the Poplar genus, and very similar. They all have low heat values as firewood.
I think where the confusion comes is from the fact that there are at least 35 different species of "Poplar", genus Populus, Willow Family. So, What one person in a particular area thinks of as Poplar, may be very different from what someone else, 100s miles away, in a different area, with different species thinks of as Poplar.Well, that doesn't sound like much of a counter to me. Said pretty much the same thing; same family but still different trees. And yes, we have poplar and cottonwood here and like where you are, they are still different trees.
Well, that doesn't sound like much of a counter to me. Said pretty much the same thing; same family but still different trees. And yes, we have poplar and cottonwood here and like where you are, they are still different trees.
"So, I've been ripping thru wood at a pretty good pace, as much as 3/4 cord in a week."
"...I have about 9 cords cut and stacked now, and anticipate I'll be going thru another 2 before this year is out...."
At the 3/4 cord per week rate, I think your 2 cords for the rest of the yr maybe an underestimate
We must have different cottomwoods because ours here is an eastern cottonwood and its sientific name is Populos deltoides?OK, if you need a more detailed explanation: what I am saying is that not only are they all in the same poplar family, but that in most cases (at least with western species), they have wood that has low heat value. Some species (like the aspens) have slightly better heat value. Also as said above, there are issues with what people consider as poplars. Cottonwoods and poplars are in fact common names given for the exact same species. For example, what we call black cottonwood here in the PNW is also called western balsam poplar or California poplar. So is it a cottonwood or a poplar? Its scientific name is Populus trichocarpa. It grows from California to Alaska and east to the Rockies. It does not split well when dry, it is hard on chainsaw chains, it smells like cat pee when burned (I am burning some right now, actually), it has really low heat value, and it is all around crappy firewood. The flip side to that is what is commonly called Tulip poplar (aka yellow poplar) which is not a true poplar at all. It is a type of magnolia that grows mainly east of the Mississippi.
So when I say poplar I am referring to any number of trees in the genus Populus, that may or may not be called poplar or cottonwood or aspens here, there or elsewhere. To me a poplar is typically a more narrow form of the genus, and a cottonwood is more spreading. Aspens are also narrow in growth habit though, so it is hard to make a fine line distinction. They are all related to the willows, and like willows, they tend to make for low quality firewood and tend to smell badly when they are burned.
Clear as mud? It seems that we in the PNW and in NE are on the same page when we refer to poplar, and in the South and Midwest you have a somewhat different idea of what they are.
Sure I'll reread it again..... Since the 27th of January, Philly has been quite warm...
I think I remember you mentioning that you have a drafty old farm house. That could be some part of the problem. Your wood comsumption seems heavy. Either you like to keep burning or take a analytical look at your home and what you could possibly do reasonably.They're getting loaded three times per day, but not in equal 8 hour increments. Reload times are approximately 6:30am, 6pm (hence 11.5 hours), and 9:30pm. The 6pm load is smaller, and is burned hot and fast, so I can be ready for the bed-time reload by 9:30 - 10pm. The other two loads are burned with the air shut down for max burn time. This smaller 6pm load is why I "only" went thru ~100 cu.ft. of wood, and not the 144 cu.ft. these stoves should be cable of gobbling in that time.
I have about 9 cords cut and stacked now, and anticipate I'll be going thru another 2 before this year is out, leaving me 7 cords for next year. I also have 3 cords of ash rounds sitting in my driveway (which would've been CSS'd in November, had my helper not cut off his finger!), and about 5 - 6 cords of fresh cut logs sitting on my wood lot, all of which will be processed in March, and stacked for the 2014 - 2015 burn season. So... I'm getting ahead, very slowly.
My first-hand experience would agree. I only regret I didn't start burning some of this oak back when it was bitter cold. I'm getting equal or greater burn times and the same stove-top temps with much less wood in the stove (maybe 60% of what I was using before), using the partially-seasoned oak versus well-seasoned poplar.
Yep... my comment was based on the well-known table at Sweep's Library, in which he has listed: Cottonwood (Balsam Poplar): Populus trichocarpa. I won't even pretend I know the difference, but I do know the poplar I was burning was not tulip poplar. We do have a very large tulip poplar blown down at the place where I do all my cutting, though.
I think I remember you mentioning that you have a drafty old farm house... Either you like to keep burning or take a analytical look at your home and what you could possibly do reasonably.
We must have different cottomwoods because ours here is an eastern cottonwood and its sientific name is Populos deltoides?
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