Minister of Fire
The leather isn't exactly offering any protection over the rubber, unless it is protected. Class 3 boots are the highest rated in terms of cut/chainsaw resistance, and there are offerings available in rubber. My next pair of work boots will probably be (broken link removed to There are more options in Europe for some reason.It’s weird how comfortable the thin rubber boots are. Definitely would need to be careful as theres literally no protection. Everything was based on how quickly a guy could escape death or injury. LNI never bothered us on the matter up in the high country unless there was an event. Most guys didn’t wear chaps or ear protection.It’s a very different world in big old growth on extremely steep ground. Seen some crazy stuff. Everything changed when we switched into second growth. Loved chaps for saving my pants from wear and started using ear plugs. Love them. Never could wear eye protection. Almost killed myself trying