paul bunion
Minister of Fire
There are countless sources to back up that number, if you'd spend half as much time just reading as arguing and typing. Here's the first two that pop up in a three-second Google search:
I'm so sorry that I was too busy typing and presenting my arguments as there is one more thing I forget to add. It is that I have used Google to pull up the countless references that you refer to as being available, or maybe I did say that and forgot that I did being that I was so busy typing.. But no matter, I did use Google and actually read many of them for content, have you? There is one and only one that I found with actual methods and measurements and that particular study arrives at or near the 85/128 that you and others so often quote. But unfortunately for your case and if you take the time to locate and read it you will find that it refutes the 85/128 that you say is fact. If you want to learn more I'll give you a clue, firewood isn't debarked after purchase nor it is sold in 8' lengths.
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