This is it Chris
I have a Princess of 2015 vintage I have changed the cat from Ceramic to Metal Monolith Cat a few years ago. In the last 3 weeks I have noticed some strange things that have not happened before.
1) I smell smoke when the stove is turned down to about the 3-4 o-clock position during the overnight or when we come back after being away a few hours. Door seal and By-pass seals are in good firm contact thus the "Dollar Bill Test" done this pre season.
2) The Cat does not stay active when the thermostat is turned down to 4 and below
3) Right now, the stove is WOT and there are barely flames visible inside compared to the wild roaring flames usually present at WOT. I never run it at WOT as a daylong setting, only for startup and charring the new loads. If turn it down to 3-4 it will not stay active.
4) Yes the chimney is clean just cleaned it this morning have not shoveled out the crap yet but the flue is open.
5) Yes the wood is extremely dry over 3.5 years of split stacked under cover. Lots of drying cracks (checking) on the butt ends.
6) I have burned maybe a pickup truck load equivalent of seasoned white Fir between last year and this winter, would that provide enough fly ash to plug the cat?
7) I did not blow out the Cat before this burn season, so it has about 8,500 or 9,000 hours of burn time on it without blowing it off. Is this the issue??
I was wondering if I can blow compressed air through the front of the Cat backwards through the Cat? Even if I can It will be Sunday Noon or after before the stove is cool enough to try that.
***UPDATE*** I just did some math, that Cat gets about 4,100 hours of use per season. It has been in the stove for 3 complete seasons so it now has over 12,000 hours on it I bet it needs to be replaced.
1) I smell smoke when the stove is turned down to about the 3-4 o-clock position during the overnight or when we come back after being away a few hours. Door seal and By-pass seals are in good firm contact thus the "Dollar Bill Test" done this pre season.
Likely due to cat being inactive and draft issues.
2) The Cat does not stay active when the thermostat is turned down to 4 and below
That could be be either fuel/chimney or the cat.
3) Right now, the stove is WOT and there are barely flames visible inside compared to the wild roaring flames usually present at WOT. I never run it at WOT as a daylong setting, only for startup and charring the new loads. If turn it down to 3-4 it will not stay active.
We can eliminate the cat therm being the issue if the wood won't burn hot/flames. Likely cat/fuel or chimney.
4) Yes the chimney is clean just cleaned it this morning have not shoveled out the crap yet but the flue is open.
OK, no the chimney.
5) Yes the wood is extremely dry over 3.5 years of split stacked under cover. Lots of drying cracks (checking) on the butt ends.
OK, no the fuel.
6) I have burned maybe a pickup truck load equivalent of seasoned white Fir between last year and this winter, would that provide enough fly ash to plug the cat?
Fly ash can be more of an issue in strong drafting installations. Fly ash also seems skewed towards those burning soft woods.
7) I did not blow out the Cat before this burn season, so it has about 8,500 or 9,000 hours of burn time on it without blowing it off.
Is this the issue??
Perhaps, blow it out. Masking (deposits laying on top of the precious metal)can definitely influence cat activity.