Thank you very much!

Just downloaded the pictures, THEY SUCK. Phone normally takes good pictures but it didn't do well with the low light conditions up there even with the flash. It actually already seems to feel better. When walking from living room to into the hallway to the bedrooms, usually right in the area where the bedroom branch off is where I really noticed a temp change and it would feel drastic, doesn't feel as bad now, seems to be more equalized I guess would be the word for it.
I do have the fans back on the top of the doorways, 2 blowing down the hallway towards bedroom and then one on each bedroom door except for the master bedroom. Having fans on the floor blowing towards the stove just doesn't seem to work for me, maybe the 20" fan I was using blowing down the hallway away from the bedrooms was just to much, even on LOW it blows ALOT of air.