Ash worth it?

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lowroadacres said:
What I would like to know is how can I easily tell the different ash trees apart?

I am pretty sure that most of the ash in our area is green ash which is still pretty good wood on the charts and in our stove.

We have three cords c/s/s for this year and a huge pile for next year that I have yet to split and stack. If I can get at it in time I am hoping to cut more standing dead ash throughout the fall and possibly through the winter to get ahead.

They can look pretty similar. This may help.

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i would be more than happy to save you the trouble of taking that horrible ash, tell me where it is and i'll make that "problem wood" dissappear!

in all seriousness ash is about my favorite wood, it not a back breaker, it spilts pretty easy, it dries quickly, and it burns great. i'll take ash anyday of the week.
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