thecontrolguy said:
Scott. Would you be able to copy/scan/ ?? relevant sections of the NFPA you refer to and drop it here for all to see. I would be interested to see where the 'States is heading with regard to residential sprinkler requirements and odd occupancies like combined motor vehicle garages and wood heat boilers. Thanks!
I can outline the following basic code parameters that will steer you in the right path and you could always PM me with specific aid you may require.
a) Water supply: 1. Well water fed homes over 2,000 sq ft and 2 stories in height.
2. Stored water is required to provide a 10 minute duration of system demand and if there is common supply piping serving both
domestic & fire sprks, an additional 5gpm must be added to the system demand calcs for supply.
ie: system needs 60gallons @ 19psi to operate, thus a water supply of 600 gallons in storage and properly sized booster pump,
or pressure tank is needed.
3. There are packaged units of storage/pump specifically made for residential systems.
4. If house is 1 story and under 2,000 sq ft, the required duration is reduced to 7minutes,
ie: same demand as above requires 315gpm @ 19psi.
From NFPA 13D(2002) CHAPTER 6, 6.1 and pump/storage per 6.2(4). * 6.3
b) System Design: 5. Residential heads type heads shall be used(Such as Reliable FI Res), if Std heads are used the ref standard NFPA13 and
sizes and coverages become more cost prohibitive and the spray patterns are not as desirable.
6. A design density of .05 gpm/ft2 must be used for hydraulic design calculations(Res hds only)
7. Proper coverage based on AS BUILT plans, where sprk heads are providing coverage as per their approved listings,
is required and obviously this is where one needs to be very careful with coverage and study installation requirements very closely
( I will try to scan this section and have it available if needed by anyone in this forum.). A competent designer should be involved in
these layouts and final calculations needed(especially required by the insurance companies and local AHJ).
c) Piping/materials: 7. Blaze master PVC piping or Black steel, copper if you prefer a certain exposed look(ka-chiing,$$)
d) Garages are not required to have coverage(Sec. 8.6.4), but if supplied with sprks per AJH requirement, refer to A.8.6.4(NFPA 13d) and based on a 2 head design of Res heads or Quick Response hds., utilizing the same piping as remainder of home.
The garage should never be combined with any type of combustion devices, unless there is sufficient fire rated demising.
e)Regarding boiler rooms, a preferred coverage would be 130 sq ft or less per sprk head(ord haz rating) and not exceeding 7'-0" from any wall, as a basic rule, but also be aware of obstructions.
That is all for now, from the top of my head, got to get back to work.