New Member
I have burned both bit and anthracite. With bit ( which has a high sulphur content) there def is a sulphury smell! With anthracite ( which is almost pure carbon), I could smell it burning but to me, not the smell of soft coal. We have three steam traction engines and burn ALOT of bit coal during the summer and I personally like a whiff once in a while. Anth, leaves a light brown to tan ash and very little in the flue. Bit leaves dark brown to black real fluffy soot which builds up fairly quick ( without a strong draft) and, will burn in the flue if ignited! Not as ferocious or hot as a creosote fire but, still enough to give you that moment of reflection! Lolit is not odorless to me at all. To others it may be but the sulfur smell bothers me and it is always there for me. But if it does not bother you so for you it is not an issue obviously.
The power house I worked in, burned bit coal and it was always delivered wet for dust purposes and in the winter, diesel was used to keep dust down and to keep it from freezing to the sides of the trailer. Water was still used in conjunction which meant you may end up with a 20 ton chunk , laying on the grate which lead to the storage hopper 4 stories in the air. You always leave an area of live flame on the fuel bed when adding green coal! The gasses distilling off, will ignite explosively ( more than ), if it gets a shot of air and at ignition point. Blew the door open on a furnace I had with a loud bam!