These coal post are very interesting to me also, I live just outside the coal belt in NW Jersey, I have lurked in NEPA coal website, just reading about different coal burners.
Im in the process of upgrading my current living arrangements, I've accidently stumbled on a reality website and found a log cabin house right on a lake that I use to fish when I was a kid, the property is significantly smaller than my current lot but the trade off is a larger log home *newer kiln dried, that's lake front, my wheels are turning as I type this because Im very excited (never thought I would actually do something like this)
Anyway back on track I know I can store approx. 6 cords of wood but not much more, so figure 2 year supply, now if I switch to coal its a smaller foot print storage wise and it seems as though the stove technology has come a long way since the old ben franklin days. The house has a stove fire place pretty much center (I would install a wood insert there) the basement is a full type although unfinished, I can insulate it and that's were I would put a coal stove, I really have to add up costs and delivery viability, I would hate to install a total coal appliance and 5 years later see the price of coal go through the roof. Thanks for reading my rant lol