I have enough wood under cover to get us through several more weeks, and I LOVE it. Some right out the back door, some just uphill by the garage. I pull mine over via sled, but it sure beats scrounging for my piles under the snow and pulling the uphill with the sled like I did last year.
We've had warmer weather up here, too. A nice break from -30! Hope it lasts for awhile, so my wood will, too.
Dog is pretty stoic about going outside--she's an old girl, and doesn't make it through the night anymore. A few nights ago, I laid back down waiting for her to scratch to be let back in, and awhile later I awakened to find her on her mat in my room. Figured my son had let her in, but checked it out just to be sure. Found that she'd let herself in by pushing on the back door (DS had not shut it all the way, apparently, on his last sled run. Lost a few plants in the sunroom due to the frost in there, and stayed awake a few hours getting the house back up to temp and the fire banked again. Lesson to me, I hope.
Cat, on the other hand, is good about going out, but makes nasty faces and acts like she's under attack by the nasty cold air. Then she puts her courage on and goes outside. Returns promptly.
From here on out, I go downstairs and tend fire until the animals are safely inside again at night.