American harvester 6100 Exhaust fan and Blower motor not running

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New Member
Jan 27, 2023
Hi, so we have been in contact with the official maker and they had us replace the board, pressure switch and various other things. Basically I can hear the pressure switch clicking on and off, However it will run if the switch is completely unplugged, minus the blower motor will not run, My step dad took the old board out and hooked in the new one but were entirely Unsure if it's connected correctly or hooked up correctly. He did his best with wiring diagrams. With the safety switch bypassed by connecting the two wires together it wont run at all, but with it completely unplugged both ends on the pressure switch the furnace will vaguely run, but the 2 main motors aren't Firing up, Can anyone give a photo of what wires go where on the board itself? I was told we don't have the 240 option connected if that helps, I just mainly wanna see where everyone else put their connections on the main panel board as there aren't any youtube videos about this Manuals are hard to see. I want to double check how he has it all connected. It was all working great for past 10 years or more, then the board went out we replaced the board now nothing is working right. that's why I figure he has something messed up somewhere. I also want to note, I've called multiple and I mean Multiple different companies trying to get a technician out here to help us but no one will do it. So this is the next best thing I can think of. I should also note, the pressure switch can stay connected Only if the door is left Opened. But then the Big Blower motor never comes on even once.
I should also note, the pressure switch can stay connected Only if the door is left Opened.
Sounds like you have the pressure switch HOSE hooked to the wrong port on the pressure switch. If plastic black and gray switch the hose should be hooked to the gray port should be a negative sign - somewhere near port. Means it is a negative pressure stove and with stove off the switch is in the open/off position. When you push on button draft fan turns on causing vacuum and closes/on the vacuum switch. Should have two brown wires that go to the Main control board and attach to spades were it says pressure. Circled in red.

[] American harvester 6100 Exhaust fan and Blower motor not running
White cloth covered wire Thermistor that comes from the exhaust blower housing connects blue circle says temp in.

[] American harvester 6100 Exhaust fan and Blower motor not running
On the smaller (daughter/Secondary board) white cloth cover wire (thermistor) from the plenum plugs in red circle, yellow wire from blower plugs in yellow circle and white wire that goes to agitator, hopper switch, auger and blower goes in white circle.

[] American harvester 6100 Exhaust fan and Blower motor not running
On the smaller (daughter/Secondary board) white cloth cover wire (thermistor) from the plenum plugs in red circle, yellow wire from blower plugs in yellow circle and white wire that goes to agitator, hopper switch, auger and blower goes in white circle.

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hi, thank you for the photos for reference. The furnace works atleast now. But oddly enough, it was set at 3 and when he tried to change the Settings cause he wants it at a 1, The room fan or w.e turned off and stayed off from what we noticed. it was stating the Fan speed was at 0 and wouldn't allow him to change it, the board stated it was set to automatic. we noticed the Inside of the blower and stuff was wired in a weird way ( thats how it was when we got it from someone else) Following ur wiring hook ups we have it done correctly now. and of course like I was saying, it ran but it will only run so far on medium speed, trying to adjust the fan speed seems to counteract it working.
it was stating the Fan speed was at 0
What is saying 0, room fan only goes from 1-3 and a (automatic) , 1-5 and a (automatic) or 1-9 and a (automatic) depending on what version board you have. One blower runs when the temperature in the flue/exhaust blower housing reaches 80 degrees above room temperature should be first blower to come on. The second blower runs when the plenum temperature reaches 115 degrees both of these temperatures can be adjusted using the C codes. If you have pellet furnace duct into force air furnace heat range 1 sometimes is not enough to turn second blower on and sometimes you have to place the plenum thermistor in a hotter location in the plenum. Attached is the operator manual and the technical manual for your stove they do not always agree on the set tempertures so take them with a grain of salt. The technical manual has a test mode and the C codes to change most settings for the stove. Test must be done on a cool/cold stove. Good Idea to check C Codes and write each setting down before changing any that way you can always go back to original settings you can check C codes while stove is running.


Do you have a external thermostat hooked to board? If so did you remove jumper? With external thermostat hooked up you could set stove on 3 when the temperature reaches the set point the stove will ramp down to 1 until the thermostat ask for heat then it will ramp back to 3.

[] American harvester 6100 Exhaust fan and Blower motor not running
Do you have a external thermostat hooked to board? If so did you remove jumper? With external thermostat hooked up you could set stove on 3 when the temperature reaches the set point the stove will ramp down to 1 until the thermostat ask for heat then it will ramp back to 3.

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Currently I don't believe any wire of any kind is going to those spots