Ok, I have a better answer for you now. We run it hard. It's finally gotten to be winter here. According to the manual, griddle temps of 500-600 is 'medium' and 600-750 is 'high'. With the 'issues' my stove has it runs hot regardless and I have to watch how much wood I put in but it was chugging along at 650 last night and that was a good place for us. I originally said we like it warm but I think we actually like it HOT.

Upper 70's to 80 in the main room (includes living room, dining area, kitchen, study and a few small areas) and that keeps our bed rooms (without running box fans)in the mid 60's which is fine for sleeping.
We also have stained concrete flooring so I think all that concrete can make the room feel cooler at times. Either way, what I know is that I wouldn't want anything less than the Encore and if I could go to something that will give the same heat output without running it so hard and giving me better long burns then that's what I'm wanting.