BeGreen said:
This is not an us/them discussion. Surely as a scientist you have made an erroneous hypothesis once in your life? Isn't that what science is all about? But now, after 25 years of concentrated testing, models and real results (aka glacial melt, arctic permafrost melt, greenland icecap melt), the period of hypothesis is over, global warming is here. The only question now is whether we will reach the point of dramatic shutdown of balanced systems in which case the growing of corn in ND is academic and moot.
There are many notable scientists who say otherwise about global warming:
(broken link removed to

amongst these are:
Richard Lindzen, MIT meteorology professor and member of the National Academy of Sciences:
William M. Gray, Colorado State University:
this last one, Dr. Gray...he was the one who predicts the hurricanes each gonna tell me he and the MIT prof are "crack pots"...?
how about some more from that web site:
Willie Soon, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics:
Tim Patterson [15], paleoclimatologist and Professor of Geology at Carleton University in Canada:
so...not saying it ISN'T happening, all I'm saying is that the same group who was saying the "sky is falling" in the 1970's with "global ice age" are now saying the "sky is falling" with "global warming" yet there are MANY CREDIBLE SCIENTISTS who say otherwise...that's all I'm saying.
At least I'm willing to look at BOTH sides but you listen to only one side......
AND, as far as some "crop yields decreasing because of higher night time temps", there are also NEW agricultural areas created because the higher temperatures will allow crops to be planted where they never could before.....but again, you look at only those areas that support your theory....all I'm saying is look at it in totality (i.e., the NET result).