25-pdvc wall thermostat not communicating

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I would say that you have the board that you only have to remove jumper to be in high low mode. Inspect the J18 terminal on board to make sure there is not a small piece of wire connecting the two sides.
I tested if the thermostat is communicating and it is is, and it is and it is in on off mode When it gets up to temperature, it does not turn off or down I have it set on 9-9 and 4-6-1
If you remove thermostat wires from J18 stove should run on 1 if it does not you have a board problem orJ18 terminal is not working right
All the thermostat communicates to the board is it want heat/on or it does not want heat/off and the boards programing sets stove to 1 but does not change numbers displayed. When the jumper was in it was asking for heat/on all the time. If you take wire out of J18 and it does not run at 1 inspect J18 terminal for shorts or some sort of connection between the to terminal connections. If you can not find anything there then there is a short someplace else on board or your board is programing is bad.
Also I have been trying to change it to H/L mode It won’t let me change it
Not all 25 pdvc change some are already in H/L when you remove jumper from J18.

how do you fix the programming?
If it ends up being the programming and not something physical I do not believe the company will NOT reprogram they will want to to buy a replacement board.

Do you know how to use and have a Multi meter so so test the continuity of J18 with stove unplugged remove the thermostat wires from J18 stick the leads from the meter in each side of J18 there should be no continuity if there is you have a short or programing problem. Make sure when you inspect the J18 terminal try looking on the other side of the board to, just maybe they soldered the two terminals together.
Not all 25 pdvc change some are already in H/L when you remove jumper from J18.

If it ends up being the programming and not something physical I do not believe the company will NOT reprogram they will want to to buy a replacement board.

Do you know how to use and have a Multi meter so so test the continuity of J18 with stove unplugged remove the thermostat wires from J18 stick the leads from the meter in each side of J18 there should be no continuity if there is you have a short or programing problem. Make sure when you inspect the J18 terminal try looking on the other side of the board to, just maybe they soldered the two terminals together.
I did test it and it is getting power. Is it best if the bottom three numbers are at the default
I did test it and it is getting power
How did you test it give details were you placed multi meter leads. When powered is on and thermostat is not calling for heat only one side of J18 should have power. If thermostat wires are removed from j18, with power on only one side of j18 should have power this would remove the thermostat from the diagnoses. Then we would know the problem is with the board or programing.
How did you test it give details were you placed multi meter leads. When powered is on and thermostat is not calling for heat only one side of J18 should have power. If thermostat wires are removed from j18, with power on only one side of j18 should have power this would remove the thermostat from the diagnoses. Then we would know the problem is

How did you test it give details were you placed multi meter leads. When powered is on and thermostat is not calling for heat only one side of J18 should have power. If thermostat wires are removed from j18, with power on only one side of j18 should have power this would remove the thermostat from the diagnoses. Then we would know the problem is with the board or programing.
I Tested both sides of J18 without the wire connected 12V on each side
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my bad stove was on mode A what I was reading it should be on mode D
D is correct mode, A and B should never be used they are not for the 25 pdvc C Mode can be used it burns hotter but D mode is the default correct mode. Not sure what A mode would do on your stove so you might have found your problem.

Mode change: unplug stove wait 5 sec. plug back in hold blower speed up and down arrows down for 5 sec then release. the mode the stove is in will be displayed in the heat range window A,B,C,D. to change press heat range up or down to desired mode. A,B are for different stoves so they should not be used. D mode is default and C mode burns hotter.
D is correct mode, A and B should never be used they are not for the 25 pdvc C Mode can be used it burns hotter but D mode is the default correct mode. Not sure what A mode would do on your stove so you might have found your problem.
I've been
D is correct mode, A and B should never be used they are not for the 25 pdvc C Mode can be used it burns hotter but D mode is the default correct mode. Not sure what A mode would do on your stove so you might have found your problem.
i’ve been running on a for a long time and did not know about that and are you you don’t think you did anything bad. And I set it to 5-4-1 6-9
I am surprised you could even get it to run in A mode and it stayed there when you did the factory reset.
Should it run better and use less pellets I've been using about a bag every 24 hrs
Yes less pellets but if you do get thermostat to work it will be even fewer. Pellet usage does depend on outside temps and thermostat temp setting when using thermostat don't know temps in Grants Pass in winter . Last two years here have been warmer then normal think it went below zero twice this year usually get 30 days -+ a year.
Thanks, also how do I know if the wall is working properly, I know it wont shut off and the fan wont turn down
Small fire about the size of your hand, yesterday I actually had to look to see if fire was still going the fire was so small it was not coming out of the top of the pot. 50 degrees yesterday and today calling for 61 degrees stove might get shut off today or it will cook me out of house even on setting 1.

Did you get it moved to D mode and did you try putting it in H/L by pushing buttons (you might not have to push buttons to do so but doesn't hurt to check)
Hard to take picture as even a small fire looks like a ARC welder.

[Hearth.com] 25-pdvc wall thermostat not communicating
Now you have stove in D mode again take thermostat wires out of J18 and test for power on both sides. Did you try putting it in H/L using the buttons?

unplug the stove...then plug it back in and quickly push both the down arrows at the same time... on/off will show 0 0 in the displays and hi/lo will show H L in the display.
If I read your post correctly, you set heat and blower to 1-1? If so, what you have in your picture is exaclty what I'd expect. The thermostat, even if working properly when calling for heat, you've maxed the stove out at 1-1. You won't get anymore out of the stove.

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Yes I did change it to D and I put it on 3.3.1 1.1 but I don’t think the thermostat is working because when it does not call for heat, the flame is the same
Depending on how hot you want your stove to get it should be set on 9 9, 8 8, or 7 7 the bottom three should be 6 4 1. I don't like running my stove on 9 I feel the stove gets to hot.

Under you learn something new each day, when you factory reset the stove it goes into A mode, seems funny as it is run in D mode as default.