When I first received my sirocco 30.2 I had trouble with condensation inside house running down the pipe and thimble and outside wall T. It's not supposed to find its way out but it sure did. I added double wall pipe and it almost fixed it, then I bought a mono meter which lead me to buy a pipe damper and was able to do better high burn reloads and now everything is perfect, no moisture anymore inside pipe or out. I think in the wrong setup like mine they can be very finicky but solvableOk. It sounds like its a bit of a tight rope walk, which I don't really expect from the BKs. Currently, I am around 3 o'clock on the T-Stat,. which I considered low on my Sirocco. The Cat is pegged right at the highest end of silver paint on the dial (4 o'clock) but I can set my hand on my single wall stove pipe about 3 feet from the collar. So the cat is on the high side of what I feel like I'd want, but the flu gas is too low, so which way do I go? Also, the condensation issue is back. BKs aren't supposed to be finicky, so I am scratching my head a bit here.